

  • I am always freezing cold lately and never was before surgery.
  • plus, Alzheimer's cannot be diagnosed until death - the brain has to be autopsied for a definitive diagnosis.
  • Are you taking Vitamin C to help your body absorb the iron that it does get? Also, are you separating your calcium supplements from your iron supplements by at least two hours?
  • I am 9 months out from gastric bypass. Here's my ten: 1. I am wearing the same size I wore in high school (graduated 24 years ago) 2. I weigh less than my husband does for the first time ever. 3. I am smaller than my younger sister, for the first time ever. 4. The scale reads what my driver's license reads for the first…
  • I'm almost a year out and I am getting about 1400 calories per day - some days more, some days less and sometimes I eat back my exercise calories and sometimes I don't It just depends on how it feels that day. I shoot for 80 g of protein a day and am pretty consistent with it.
  • I have come across this issue, too. Last time I was at the surgeon for a check up, he gave me a little mental exercise. He had me name my most favorite food ever - no matter what it was, good, bad or ugly. That would be candy for me. Then he had me name my least favorite food ever, that would be veggies for me. Then he had…
  • because I was fat!
  • no, no, no - I know it happens, it has happened to me, too. I am just saying that it is not in the TOS to not talk about weight loss surgery and that it is BS for anyone to tell any other poster that it is taboo. The only thing that is taboo per the TOS is personal attacks, yet they happen all the time. I was just fired up…
  • Just eat what you can every couple of hours and get your protein in first, just like right after surgery. You can set your levels to 1200 if that is where you are comfortable. Good luck.
  • WLS is not taboo on here - everyone uses their own tools to lose weight and find a healthy normal. I had someone tell me yesterday that I cheated because I had WLS. Really? Cheated? I don't call major surgery and not being able to eat the way I did before ever again, cheating.
  • That is such BS that WLS is taboo on this site - the only thing that is taboo on this site is personal attacks. Welcome and I hope you find what you need here. I am sending you a friend request.
  • that's good to know, chocolate. I have always had a thick head of hair and started losing it at about 3 months post op. I am now 8 months post op and still losing. I am getting my protein in but the doc also suggested more zinc. That's my next try.
  • I get this ****e from my sister all the freaking time. She thinks that I cheated because I had the surgery. What she does not realize is that the surgery was a tool for me to get turned around and start doing things the right way. I love love love to go to the gym now. I love to exercise. Before I had surgery and was at…
  • I'm here, too! I'm at 106 down and have about 34 more to go and I am terrified of gaining it all back.
  • thanks for sharing!
  • Congrats on making this decision, Chris! I just set my goals so that my protein is right and then don't worry too much about the rest. I am almost 8 months out and have just recently starting hitting my protein goal consistently. It will be tough in the first few weeks/months, but remember that this is for the long haul.…
  • The crying at the drop of the hat is to be expected - your estrogen is stored in your fat, when you lose fat, you release those hormones into your body and you have to deal with them. Expect your monthly cycle (if you have one) to be all sorts of wonky, too. It took a couple of months before the tears stopped and I am 6…
  • I had gastric bypass and the first month or so was awful. But, it gets better and so do you. Just keep thinking that - you did this for the long haul. I could not wait to move through the phases and my doc actually gave me permission to move through them a little faster since I was doing so well. Remember, that is what…
  • Congrats and welcome. I am about 7 months out, so if you have questions, fire away!
    in Hi!!!! Comment by tncmom November 2011
  • My name is Raina. I had RouxNY bypass on April 20, 2011. At my intake appointment for WLS I was at 290 pounds. Currently, I am at 187. I have gone from a size 24 to a size 16. This was the best thing I could have done for myself and for my family. I never used to exercise but now get in at least 5 days a week. I have lost…
  • My kids' nicknames are Tea and Crackers - so I'm tncmom
  • You will be able to work up to fruits and vegetables. I am almost 6 months out and still don't do as well as I would like on them. I drink a Greens to Go supplement, which helps. But, you are right, this soon after surgery, you need to concentrate on protein first and there is not much room after that for anything else,…
  • Absolutely, yes! Your estrogen is stored in your fat, so losing weight releases all those hormones. Are your cycles messed up, too? I had gastric bypass surgery in April and have lost almost 102 pounds and have been all over the place with my emotions, etc. My cycles are getting shorter every month and they are all whacked…
  • the adds are based on cookies stored on your computer, so someone on that computer was looking at Dominos or something similar.
  • all day long! I had gastric bypass, so I take some with breakfast, some with my morning snack, some with lunch, some with my afternoon snack and some with dinner. I take 14 pills a day to make sure that I get all my nutrients. If I took them all at the same time, I would be full!
  • Hey, surgery sister! I had my GB on April 20, 2011. I started at 290 and my goal is between 150 and 160; we'll see how it goes when I get there. So far, I have lost 79.6 pounds. About 25 of that was pre op due to the steps diet that I had to do. The better measure is that I have lost 37.5 inches since then. There is a…
  • ma'am is one thing, but honey, darlin', sweetpea, etc. are another. I have a name, use it. Use my screen name, but please don't call me honey, darlin' or sweet pea. I don't think I would unfriend you over it but it would bother me. Maybe it comes from working in a male dominated field, I know what the heck I am talking…
  • you can also try