

  • Check out this site: and their downloadable exercise guide. I like working with free weights... definitely more efficient. I've rotated through this exercise plan once already (the actual program this goes with is 12 weeks long) and am starting again on August 1st. The first time…
  • Awesome! Its really a lot of fun! The most important part is following the plan as a lot of people don't start seeing BIG results until after week 6. I was proof of this myself. The more people participating at once, the more effective the plan so if you know anyone else that may be interested, direct them this way!
  • Awesome! I think you'll really like it. Some people get turned off by it because it kind of looks like a fad diet if you don't take the time to understand it. But it is ALL about a healthy balanced diet, a challenging cardo/strength workout plan, and paying attention to your body.
  • Thanks for the information! That definitely helps.
  • I just started about a month ago and had the same question. After hours of research I came upon a Couch 2 5K plan and absolutely love it!
  • 125 miles round trip every day! :) Thankfully I have the option to work from home when needed so that helps... (that and my fully loaded iPod, anyway) Taking lunch later in the day is a good idea. I'm just always so eager to get out and moving. But yes... last week I came back from a 2 mile walk in 24 minutes in 80 degree…
  • I second the avocado suggestion! They are delicious, refreshing, and high in calories from good fats... I slice them and sprinkle lime juice on them. Makes a great high quality snack that sits lightly.