Katemorling Member


  • Id love to play if there's any house places still available!!
  • Does anyone know where i can buy Shirataki Noodles in the UK? Would love to try them!
  • Happy Cow light cheese triangles - 28 calories per triangle... I cant give up cheese!
  • I'm unfamiliar with GU? What is it?
  • Hi CatLady, You sound so positive despite your setback. I hope it all goes well for you and you can get back to living life to the fullest. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I'm the opposite! Originally from Sydney - now living in the UK (Isle of Wight)
  • I usually run on a Thursday (cardio recovery day) for maybe 30-40 mins and then do another long run (60-90mins) on my rest day (SUnday). Ive been running for years so I wanted to incorporate it into Insanity training or I become bored. I have been getting tired lately, but have also started a new job. Ive uped my cals this…
  • Hey there, I'm just finishing my third week. I saw a big difference in my fit test results this week. I've also lost an inch around my waist and another inch around my hips. Only lost about 2lb though. My endurance on my runs has improved alot too. I did an hour run on Saturday and felt like I could have done another! How…
  • Good advice. I've been in that situation as a young dieter myself - desperate to loose weight and not seeing the results I wanted quick enough. But by reducing my calories below 1200 I simply sent my body into starvation mode, slowed my metabolism and force my body into gaining or maitaining weight. Plus not eating enough…
  • Hey, I'm a newbie and I'm in! Some of you burn some huge numbers - hope i can keep up... Weekly Goal: 3,500 Mon: 322 calories burned (Insanity - Cardio Power and Resistance) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm an Aussie, but I live on the Isle of Wight. I'm 5'5 and 133lb - just trying to loose the 10pounds I gained travelling through Europe last year. I've just started my second week of the Insanity Program... It hurts!! Would love some UK friends to keep me accountable and motivated. Feel free to add me. All…
  • Thanks ktweldon3, I will have to have a look into this. The sticky tape thing is working fine so far but I am worried that it will come off when I'm not paying attention!
  • These are wonderful - In Australia you can buy Psyllium in the supermarket (not sure about the rest of the world). Usually with the health food stuff or museli/cereal. The best thing about Psyllium is you can add it into your cooking. I use it when a bake cookies (low fat low sugar of course) or muffins etc or even just…
  • Hi guys and girls, I'm new to this group as well. I'm hoping to run the Isle of Wight (UK - just moved here) half marathon in August this year, with a few shorter goals inbetween, including a 10mile in Feb. I ran a 10km back home in Australia last year and I'm definately hooked and keen on creating bigger and better goals.…