MN_Grl_8 Member


  • I'm Jess! I just moved here from Minnesota about a month and a half ago so now I am just trying to get used to the area before I start working on the 21st. So nice to meet you all! :)
  • I'm not in Las Vegas, but my fiance's parents are moving there within the next few months. I just moved to Phoenix from Minneapolis, so I know the feeling.
  • Hi! My name is Jess. I love to hate Jillian because she kicks my butt in only 20 minutes, and always reminds me how I can do anything for JUST 20 minutes! I am currently doing Ripped in 30. I just started week 4 yesterday, and plan on doing the entire program again, mixing up the levels. It is a GREAT program, gets the job…
  • Ripped in 30 is a great program for only about $10! I have been doing it for almost a month and definitely see my muscles everywhere toning up. Also, it has increased my endurance for running like crazy - I cannot believe how much it has helped! Definitely recommend!
  • Also, biking actually uses the same muscles as running does, just without the high impact.
  • I would actually choose an exercise bike. You can pop in spin DVDs and get an awesome workout, or keep your heart rate lower to burn fat like crazy. My fiance is a triathlete, and is by far at his smallest when he does heavy biking. Your quads may become more muscular, but biking burns tons of body fat overall.
  • My fiance lives in Arizona right now. He moved out there right after we graduated from law school, and I stayed in MN to work and finish out my lease. Also, he does the Ironman (another motivator to get my butt in gear) and his coach lives in AZ.
  • I added you too! Let's all do this together.
  • Virginia, Minnesota!
  • I'm from Virginia, MN and now currently living in St. Louis Park. Getting ready to move to Arizona next month!