

  • There are 8 ounces in 1 cup
  • Thanks for the advice! I want to cut down on my carbs and you are right, fruit as soo much in it!!!! I definately have been checking out different fruits and picking those with lower carb count like berries..
  • Thanks for the advice! I want to cut down on my carbs and you are right, fruit as soo much in it!!!! I definately have been checking out different fruits and picking those with lower carb count like berries..
  • Awesome job! Keep it up and you will be able to do your 2 mile run with no problems! Great to hear yor children are joining you along in this run, they will def. be a great support system!
  • I have been using it for about a month now. To be honest I have only lost about 2 pounds, but several inches. I am having 2 shakes a day- one at breakfast and then one at dinner. I am using MFP and exercising about 5 times a week. I used to have my calories set at 1200, but recently uppped it for 1400 in hopes that maybe…
  • I am having the same problem! I have only lost 2 pounds using it. It is frustrating because you hear of so many people losing lots and lots of weight on it. I think I have lost inches while using it, but nothing too drastic. I am also interested in seeing how many calories people are allocating for snacks. Have you taken…