

  • You may have low levels of ferratin - very much associated with hair loss. The solution is iron tablets but I'd check with a blood test first
  • Thanks for all the feedack folks - it's good to know that I'm not the only one! I think the consensus is to be more vigilant about what's going onto our plates when the enormous) partners in our lives are eating as well..... I'm headed home tomorrow so it'll be good to see if I can maintain this way of eating N x:wink:
  • It is a problem here in the UK as well. And I do get annoyed as I work full time and seem to be supporting lifestyles which include provision for cable, cell phones etc which I don't have. When times have been tough for us we've been resourceful, letting out a room in the house, selling stuff on ebay etc I agree, it is…
  • Yes it is odd....I know many see her as an amazing talent etc, but I'm not sure she would have wanted her sad death to out news Norway, Somalia AND the rail crash in China:angry:
  • Remember goji berries? They were very "in" here a couple of years back. I have no idea what a goji berry looks like.:huh:
  • I have 2 cats. One came from battersea dogs and cats home as a kitten and is now a dignified old gentleman. The other aslo came from a resue home and was in a bad way she's the one in the pic). She was quite young, but had stopped eating, drinking and grooming herself. She basically was terrified of the rescue home. We…
    in Pets Comment by catfreak147 July 2011
  • Well done it's great to see success stories, x:happy:
  • You need to stick to one set of scales. The GP one is probable the best. Otherwise you'll drive yourself crazy. The most accurate scales tend to be the medical ones. Very few domestic scales are calibrated to that degree of accuracy. It does take time to burn the food you take in, so try to stick to once a week weigh in..…