Brianne61292 Member


  • meat, fish, cheese, anything pre-package, snack cakes, store bought sweets, candy, white bread, ice cream, and probably some other stuff I have forgotten... haha, it's a pretty long list. Oh, and fried foods. And anything from a fast food chain. :P
  • As a nutrition major, I would never advise anyone to drink diet soda. It is sweetened using aspartame, which has actually been outlawed in a few countries. It has been linked to everything from weight gain to stomach ulcers. It is definitely no friend of mine. However that said, having one once in a great while probably…
  • It is broken down in your body almost identically to basic sugar. So for dietary purposes, treat it in the same way. As with sugar, it is fine in small amounts.
  • Before I go to any restaurant I always google the nutritional information of the items on the menu, so I can decide before I go.
  • I am 5'5" and weigh 110, my UGW is 108. I think that it just depends how you carry weight. On most people my height and weight would look a bit ill, but I have a really small frame (like 31" child-birth-would-kill-me hips). So 110 is possible, but it may not be the healthiest weight for everyone.
  • My boyfriend had a good bit of chest hair, I like it that way. I think that some chest hair is more manly.