liztorto Member


  • i think you need to listen to your body so if 1200 cals is making you feel sluggish, eat a little more. Also, how much are you trying to lose per week? If it's 2 pounds the program will probably tell you 1200 cals if you only need to lose 1 pound per week, it you might clock 1400 cals. If your goal is to stick with the…
  • i agree with going with the cafeteria counts
  • Make sure you are staying hydrated - drink lots of water or water based drinks (sugar free iced tea etc). Be sure to eat some carbs but healthy carbs like fruits or whole grains. Don't forget about your protein either. As for exercise, sometimes if you can forced yourself to do 10 minutes of exercise no matter what, you…
  • I like Cedar's Garlic Lover's Hommus. I will eat it with whole wheat pita bread. I will put it on sandwiches. I also like to dip pretzel thins with it too.
  • You have to do what you enjoy so you keep up with it. However, running seems to reap benefits quickly. Sign up for a road race to give yourself something to train for - it's more likely you will get out there. Road races are fun - a sense of competition but it's also just about personal bests. You usually get a tee shirt…