juliej65 Member


  • My favorite is dates with Kale or spinach, frozen mango and fresh strawberries. I also add ground flax seed.
  • Portabello mushrooms are great grilled.or chopped and sauted... very "meaty" tasting. There are other alternatives to soy burgers. - like Hilary's Brand - they are quinoa and millet with sweet potato. (available at Wholefoods in the freezer section) Beans and lentils can also take the place of ground meats. - great lean…
  • You sound awesome!... I am in! (if you would like to add me) hehe
  • That's awesome!... Goes to show what a winning spirit can do... the sky is the limit!
  • I was vegan last year at this time... I feel awesome when I do it.. When I give up meat I notice that I don't have as much joint pain from inflammation but when I give up dairy I notice that I am not as congested... this definately helps in allergy season. Another diet you might try is the Eat Right America ... again…
  • The concept of the book is awesome... that a group og firefighters all really changed their lives.. Very basic vegan diet though... I have actually met the author when he spoke to a group from my work... he was vaery charismatic and inspiring .... But I have to tell you I had a requirment at work to make some of the…
  • Well done! My reward is a tattoo also. Glad that it has such a special meaning for you... It's beautiful!
  • Almost forgot... a good quality flax seed.. make sure you grind it first.. I put mine in a pepper mill and leave it on the table to add to my foods... kind of like the way people use salt... this tastes a little nutty - has great fiber and a good amount of omega 3's ... Can use the flax oil also but don't heat it... it…
  • Hello A good probiotic that also has a prebiotic to get into the lower digestive tract will help... Something as simple as drinking some Goodbelly every mornning or taking a good quality probiotic like Mass Phd would definately help. Takes a week or so to get the full effect but you will run smoothly and boost your immune…
  • Hello You can use any type of apple cider vinegar but the best one with optimum health properties are the ones with the "mother" still present... This is what apple cider used to taste like years ago..(yum) This is aged and fermented well with all of the nutritional properties intact... The lesser, cheaper brands are…
  • Hello I have read skinny b**** and the Kind Diet and I liked them both... as with anything you take what you need from any book and leave the rest.... Another option would be to read the Engine #2 Diet which is a very easy read and vegan based or my favorite - Eat Right America... This book doesn't label you vegan or…
  • Quinoa is a little nutty tasting... It can be used in any dish to replace rice... some people cook it in apple juice and eat it with fruit like oatmeal. It has about 8 grams of protein in a 1/4 cup...there are also rices with high protein like black forbidden rice or jade rice but they are pricier than the quinoa.
  • There are great heirloom and ancient grains on the market.... quinoa, amarath, millet... just to name a few... quinoa itself is 160 calories for 1/4 cup only 20 calories from fat and is a complete protein with essential amino acids... Hope that helps... JJ
  • I just joined today .. I am 46 years old and have three daughters .. 21, 23 and one is 2 1/2 years old!... I am also about to be a grandmother any minute! I have to do this for my kids. Particularly my little one - and the grandbaby on the way.... I was in great shape before the last baby 160 lbs and a size 10... Size…
  • I just joined today too... am 46 years old and have three daughters .. 21, 23 and one is 2 1/2 years old!... I am also about to be a grandmother any minute! I have to do this for my kids. Particularly my little one - and the grandbaby on the way.... I was in great shape before the last baby 160 lbs and a size 10... Size…