

  • Im 5'9" and my goal weight is 140-147 but im currently at 158. I have stepped up my exercise game a lot in the past 6 months so whilst i weigh my heaviest ever I dont think i look or feel like my heaviest ever... if that makes sense. I need to stop snacking but my house is full of temptation it is so hard.
  • great work! have u got any before and after pictures?
  • I was on microgynon pill for 3 years and recently have come off it to see if it will help me lose weight. At the time i started the pill i gained a few pounds, maybe half a stone, and then i went away to university and gained about another stone and half. Im not sure if the latter batch of weight was due to the pill but…
  • i think you look great. With a skinny jean i think its always best to keep the top loose fitted and a little longer then standard tshirt length. Its more flattering that way and balances everything out. Thats just my opinion anyway.
  • i dont take any pills during my 7 day break and diet just like the days in which i do take the pill, it just seems the weight comes off a lot more in those 7 days then in others. It has been the case for many months so was beginning to see them as related. Im thinking on maybe going on the IUD as its hormone free so no…
  • im never heavy at all, and the bleeding only lasts 3 days so I hardly think i lose 3-4 pounds of blood!!!
  • I think you need to heed all this advice. I reckon by eating more for a week you might gain a few pounds initially but then once you body is in a new routine the pounds will come off again and you can stick to eating more but still losing weight. Seems like a win win situation!! xx
  • thanks guys! Ye i think im going to alter the time of day i run, currently its first thing i do when i wake up in the morning however i reckon i'll be able to go a lot longer in the afternoon or early evening once i have had eaten something and as my body might still be in "sleep mode" in the morning hence why it struggles…
  • Thanks for all the advice. Yes, i am running to lose weight, although running on an empty stomach does make sense to burn the most fat i think this will cause me to burn out quicker so perhaps some fruit and plenty of water before my run?