wasro Member


  • Just got a fitbit charge yesterday, so I have also sent a friend request. Cheers - R
  • Hi Carren, Sure are. I am Rob from Dunedin, feel free to add me as well.
  • Okay so exercise isn't enough and I have been putting weight back on. Good to notice it in these early stages. I am still in. Have a good week all Starting Weight 10.9.13 - 81.3 kgs 17.9.13 - 81.3kgs 24.9.13 - 82.1kgs 1.10.13 - 8.10.13 - 15.10.13 - 22.10.13 - 29.10.13- 5.11.13 - 12.11.13 - 19.11.13 - 26.11.13 3.12.13 -…
  • Hi all, I would like to join your 100 day shred. I know that I balloon over the time leading up to Christmas and this time I would like to lose about 5kg rather than put it on : ) Starting Weight 10.9.13 - 81.3 kgs 17.9.13 - 81.3kgs 24.9.13 - 1.10.13 - 8.10.13 - 15.10.13 - 22.10.13 - 29.10.13- 5.11.13 - 12.11.13 - 19.11.13…
  • Awesome results - congratulations
  • Hi there, I am keen to help motivate and support. I am a Dad living in Dunedin and would like to shed some kilo's. Cheers - Rob
  • My diary is open. I didn't realise that it would make such a difference until I got pulled up for not eating enough veggies :smile: They were right of course, I was carb loading and didn't even realise it. Going public with your diary adds another dimension to MFP.
    in Open Diary Comment by wasro May 2012
  • Hi, just wondering if you found out about any similar events for the South (am also in Dunedin and would love to have an event to train for)
  • Hi I am 43 and always looking for friends to motivate and keep me on target. Cheers : )
    in 40's friends Comment by wasro April 2012
  • My little girl (aged 6, never swears and I don't think even knows any swear words) said to me as I returned home from work "Daddy, did you bring me home Some Fu**ers". I asked her to repeat herself and realised it was a simple case of spoonerism. She meant to say "Thumb Suckers" - a type of lollipop that sits on your…
  • Starting weight Monday 16th Jan - 86.8kg Week 2 - 86.3 kg (Monday 23rd Jan) Week 3 - 86.2 kg (Mon 30 Jan) Week 4 - 84.7 kg (Mon 06th Feb) Total loss 2.1 kg Not as much lost as I had hoped - but a loss is a loss.: )
  • Snap - It popped straight into my head when I read the post topic
  • BTW does anyone know of a setting to put the latest posts at the top of the thread (rather than the oldest)? Cheers - Rob
  • Starting weight Monday 16th Jan - 86.8kg Week 2 - 86.3 kg (Monday 23rd Jan) Week 3 - 86.2 kg (Mon 30 Jan) Week 4 - xxkg (Mon 06th Feb) Total loss xx kg Bugger - I hadn't lost as much as I thought. Never mind, I know that I feel better for watching what I eat and there is always this week.
  • Great loss - well done
  • Muscle-y poo! Now there is some nice imagery!
  • Hi all, Yes good to see a NZ group (I am starting to think in calories (not kj), but oz and lbs get me every time : ) I live in Dunedin with my wife (Jo) and three children. As I get older (I am 43) I realise that I need to actively watch my weight or else it creeps up. I enjoy being active especially a run around the…
  • Once you see it, it is hard to see it any other way LOL
  • Three - ages 8 (boy), 6 (girl), and 4 (boy in the photo).
  • Starting weight Monday 16th Jan - 86.8kg Week 2 - 86.3 kg (Monday 23rd Jan) [Loss 0.5kg] Week 3 - xxkg (Mon 30 Jan) Week 4 - xxkg (Mon 06th Feb) Total loss xx kg I had hoped for a bit more of a loss. I will be more vigilant this week and accurately tracking my calories. Keep up the good work everybody.
  • I am with you on that. If I start eating I can't stop but if I load up with water it seems to help.
  • I am with you on that. If I start eating I can't stop but if I load up with water it seems to help.
  • This sounds like the motivation I need too: Starting weight Monday 16th Jan - 86.8kg Week 2 - xxkg (Monday 23rd Jan) Week 3 - xxkg (Mon 30 Jan) Week 4 - xxkg (Mon 06th Feb) Total loss xx kg
  • Would love to join as well. I have let myself go over the Christmas period and want to get back to feeling fit and healthy.
  • Always looking for new friends. Feel free to add me. I am effectively starting over, but feel good about this time around.
  • Hi Bonnie, Feel free to friend me. I live in NZ (Dunedin) and would be happy to try to motivate you through your last stretch (your weight loss to date is terrific). Cheers - Rob
  • Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. There are definitely lots of things to try. I had forgotten how hard it is to plan meals, day in and day out and I can certainly be more active there. Our meals don't change so much that I can't weigh once and then log it. As you…
  • I am over 40 (43). Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Brilliant photos, you must be over the moon. Thanks for sharing