

  • QUOTE: first of all, I am in starvation mode now and it SUCKS! I was eating less than 1200 cals every day and losing weight every week. I was so happy! I lost 20lbs in 2 1/2 months!! I haven't lost any weight for almost 2 1/2 months now. My weight hadn't budged a bit, not even the inches! Once your body is in starvation…
  • Well what i have heard in the past is to trick your body so it doesn't recognise that you have been starving it. I was told that if you take off 1g of food to what you would normally eat, you still fill full and your body wont go into starvation mode. Once you start to get use to that amount of food, take another gram off.…
  • Yes i'll be in it too... please.
  • Hi, Its so good to hear about the new ppl that have started here. I only found this place from my iphone which i got 2 weeks ago. Since i've joined my weight has been up and down like a rollercoster. But as for my weight TODAY .... i've lost 3kgs i think that might be 4pounds - 6 pounds. Sorry i'm bad with pounds. I'm an…
  • Thank you so much for your tips. I have been writing everything down in my food diary. I do have bad days even though i may be eating less calories than the day before. WHICH is very weird. You would think that i would loose weight by eating healthier and less food than eating crap food. Anyways I'll just keep going. I…
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