

  • Could the smaller amount of milk cause shrinkage? Extremely doubtful. Other things can though, certain medications, some forms of cancer, osteoporosis, a slew of other diseases, mostly fairly rare, aging, vertebral fractures...I'm sure insufficient calcium intake could aggravated some of them. Basically, it could be…
  • Honestly, the boobs DO make my back hurt, I'd had a reduction in the past, but getting pregnant bumped them up again to prereduction size. I'm planning another boob reduction in a year or so, which'll hopefully mean I don't need two sports bras, and duct tape to go running. As for how I look and feel: I feel great, but I…
  • We're in the same boat! Welcome!
  • QUOTE: QUOTE: That was my answer. If anything, she was far too skinny. I used to jab her in the ribs and when she'd say oww, I'd tell her to put some meat on her bones. When she was on a diet, I'd invite her over and cook her her diet food, and stick butter in the fat free margerine container, and add extra stuff when she…
    in Offended Comment by pipthegirl July 2011
  • Hmm. I'm 5'3 and at the height of my physical fitness, I'd run marathons at about a 9 minute mile. I walked an average of 3 - 4 miles an hour and I'd bike at about 16 miles an hour. I'm about a 60/40 split in terms of legs/torso length. Does that answer your questions at all? I'm not really sure I understand it, honestly.
  • That I don't have an answer too yet. My husband's always saying he's standing up to my MIL on my behalf, and then not doing so, and then getting mad at me when I complain to him about it. Tomorrow, I intend on confronting her if she asks me to step out of the way so she can get a family photo of my husband and daughter, or…
  • That was my answer. If anything, she was far too skinny. I used to jab her in the ribs and when she'd say oww, I'd tell her to put some meat on her bones. When she was on a diet, I'd invite her over and cook her her diet food, and stick butter in the fat free margerine container, and add extra stuff when she wasn't…
    in Offended Comment by pipthegirl July 2011
  • He might just not realize how much it hurt you, or that he's really being a douche, or be afraid to admit that he messed up. Maybe he's insecure about losing you, and afraid if he doesn't appear the manly man who never apologizes that you won't want him any more. Guys -- even the perfect ones -- are just as insecure as we…
  • My husband's a complete butt if he doesn't get his eight hours. I was home for one night and one day after having my baby, and he started whining that the house was a mess and I should get out of bed and clean it. So I got out of bed, collected all the stuff he left lying around and dumped it on his side and said "I did my…
  • Pisses me off too. Before I had my baby, I was 5'3 and 120 lbs, not fat at all, so when my 5'2 90 lb friend called herself fat, I always wanted to punch her, and I regularly told her so.
    in Offended Comment by pipthegirl July 2011
  • As a girl, I don't think it is a hate crime for me to tell you: Don't worry, girls suck. It's a general rule for us to be pure evil when we're young. Some of us grow out of it, and some of us don't, like my mother-in-law. No need to waste calories on my gender!
  • I'm pretty new too, first time mama to a 2 month old. New to the site, new to being a mom, new to needing to diet... I miss my pre-pregnancy eat 4000 calories a day and fight to keep weight on anyway.
  • Just had my baby, and I rode my bike up until about 6 months when my balance got all wonky. After that, I did a lot of walking -- 3 or 4 miles a day, if you can jump rope without falling over, that's a great one too, kept me in somewhat reasonable shape. There's also pregnancy yoga -- but I know once I hit 8 months it was…