Unsupportive Significant Others



  • pipthegirl
    pipthegirl Posts: 14
    That I don't have an answer too yet. My husband's always saying he's standing up to my MIL on my behalf, and then not doing so, and then getting mad at me when I complain to him about it. Tomorrow, I intend on confronting her if she asks me to step out of the way so she can get a family photo of my husband and daughter, or if she forgets to introduce me, or introduces me as the "woman taking care of [her] grandkid."

    I'll let you know which strategy ends up working best.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    well sounds like you either put up with it or divorce him. might as well use and abuse those rights you have..and be happy you have them.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Just a thought, but have you ever looked up "passive aggression"? 'cause that's what that sounds like. If you google it, you can find strategies for dealing with people who behave that way.

    I am sorry he said that to you; that was very hurtful and unkind. You've done a fantastic job to get below that benchmark! Good work!

    Thanks...I'll have to check that out!
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    He apologizes for things all the time...but I don't think he really knows the definition of the word "sorry". I was taught that when you're sorry for something, you apologize then at least TRY not to repeat the very action you were supposedly sorry for. With him, he apologizes, then turns right around and does it again. I'm tired of hearing "I'm sorry". I want to SEE "I'm sorry".

    Ya. Definitely look up 'passive-aggression' or 'passive-aggressive.' There are ways of coping. You need 'em.
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    We're all here for you, and I think it's fantastic that you got under 250! Yes, you will be able to keep it under 250, because you are a wonderful human being and a strong person. Sorry you don't have support at home, but the MFP members will always be cheering you on, and will be very proud of you!:flowerforyou:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I think I found a strategy...

    So we're off work today for the holiday and as we're lying in bed snuggling, one thing leads to another, then....well...you can be the author here. ANYWAY...afterwards, as we're post-snuggling, he says "Is your tummy getting flatter?"...

    So...I may have to test this theory...but maybe the key to getting what I want is giving him more of what every man wants...which isn't exactly a bad trade-off I suppose. :blushing:
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I think I found a strategy...

    So we're off work today for the holiday and as we're lying in bed snuggling, one thing leads to another, then....well...you can be the author here. ANYWAY...afterwards, as we're post-snuggling, he says "Is your tummy getting flatter?"...

    So...I may have to test this theory...but maybe the key to getting what I want is giving him more of what every man wants...which isn't exactly a bad trade-off I suppose. :blushing:

    LOL sounds like a win-win to me! Good for you!
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