

  • After doing the push ups the ol' squats and crunches seem like nothing! I started with doing 13 (girlie) push ups.....then another 8....then it was a miserable 3/4 at a time. But I was determined to finish and I (eventually) did! So after what seemed like an age, I eventually got to my 50th push up!!!
  • Doing push ups sounds good for e new challenge..this may be a long term challenge for me as ultimately I want to be able to do "proper" push ups with no knees touching the floor!. So here goes...
  • Did my crunches on my "Cardio Day" today. Tomorrow will be the squats on "Strength Day - thinking of alternating to see how it goes... Great success to Heather losing 5 lbs!
  • Did my crunches on my Cardio Day. Plan to start the squats tomorrow on Strength Day...need to catch up ! Thinking of mixing the two exercises up on alternate days to see how it goes.. Great job being down 5 lbs Heather !
  • This is what I need!! The "blah to babe" fits my thoughts to a tee ! I have seriously slacked off in recent months - getting 'soft' and noticing the lbs creeping back on....So here goes... "Weighed myself on Tuesday and don't want to again right now" weight: 145 lbs "Been there so I know it's do-able" weight: 123 lbs…