blah-to-babe fitness challenge post here!!



  • rissa1322
    rissa1322 Posts: 107
    we are still at 50 crunches a day right?
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    we are still at 50 crunches a day right?

    Yep!! We are Rissa:happy:
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Hey girls, here's where we can post our stats and challenges and keep each other motivated!!! This weeks challenge is to do 50 crunche each day!!! And don't forget to post your weekly picture tomorrow on flickr and if you haven't already done so, post your measurements! :) Good luck!!!

    Hey what will next week's challenge be?
  • Last weeks challenge was 50 crunches, and this weeks challenge is 50 it's up to you if you want to continue the first weeks challenge and add on or replace it with goal is to build upon each challenge to create more of a habit so I can stay in shape!!!
  • 50 squats is killing me. lol I have been on stress overload this last week and haven't lost a single pound. But next week is a whole new week.
  • Ooooh Ooooh I want in! I slacked on my morning workout this morning so I will have a chance to start today after work!
  • rissa1322
    rissa1322 Posts: 107
    i did the crunches.. on to squats.. going to the gym at three!!
  • mina22
    mina22 Posts: 5
    This is what I need!! The "blah to babe" fits my thoughts to a tee !

    I have seriously slacked off in recent months - getting 'soft' and noticing the lbs creeping back on....So here goes...

    "Weighed myself on Tuesday and don't want to again right now" weight: 145 lbs

    "Been there so I know it's do-able" weight: 123 lbs

    "Would love to be this so will see if do-able" weight: 116 lbs

    Hitting the gym at the weekend and going for the squats!
  • Welcome Mina! The more girls we have motivating each other the better we'll do! I did my crunches and squats for today plus a Firm workout on cable :) My 2 year old attempted to follow along as well, too funny! I weighed myself at 147 this last weigh-in, down 5 pounds from Jan 1st!! My first goal is 135lbs since I haven't been at that weight for at least 4 years, then I'll try for 125 after that since that's what I used to weigh when I was in the best shape :) At this rate I should be able to wear a swimsuit by summer without being totally mortified! :happy:
  • im so excited! :happy: i just joined like a half hour ago. but im in!
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    50 squats is killing me. lol I have been on stress overload this last week and haven't lost a single pound. But next week is a whole new week.
    Keep at it'll lose something soon. Stay positive and motivated.
    And the squats...are the BOMB!! Glad I joined in on the challenges. Thanks for tellin me bout it:happy:

  • mina22
    mina22 Posts: 5
    Did my crunches on my Cardio Day. Plan to start the squats tomorrow on Strength Day...need to catch up ! Thinking of mixing the two exercises up on alternate days to see how it goes..

    Great job being down 5 lbs Heather !
  • mina22
    mina22 Posts: 5
    Did my crunches on my "Cardio Day" today. Tomorrow will be the squats on "Strength Day - thinking of alternating to see how it goes...
    Great success to Heather losing 5 lbs!
  • Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! We had a big winter storm here this weekend, crazy weather!! Does anyone have any suggestions for a new challenge??? We've done crunches and squats so far...maybe pushups or lunges?? I hope everyone had a good week, I lost another pound, YAY!!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ok, I did my 50 crunches plus 10 more... Did about 10 squats so 40 more to go!!!:ohwell:

  • can I join? sounds like just the "kick" I need to make me actually make use of my ab-lounge. DH will be thrilled to see me dust it off. I can use that can't I? regular crunches kill my neck. I'm just getting started on this journey so I'm excited.
  • Kaelyn
    Kaelyn Posts: 8
    hi! Joined this site last nite! Woot woot!
    Started the Blah to Babe challenge today and have finished my 50 crunches and 50 squats!
    Squats are a killer!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Ok... got my last 40 squats in!
    Will do 20 more squats & 60 more crunches before going to bed.
    So.. 120 crunches & 70 squats for today! Woo~hoo!

  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    I am going to get in on this. I will do push ups, sit ups and squats with my son.
    75 of each.

    Way to go Joanna
  • mina22
    mina22 Posts: 5
    Doing push ups sounds good for e new challenge..this may be a long term challenge for me as ultimately I want to be able to do "proper" push ups with no knees touching the floor!. So here goes...
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