

  • 500 calories for 1/10th of a 10inch cake, vanilla. I'd look up t he exact cake you are having at the link above, and realize this will be at lest 1/3rd of your daily calories if you do not exercise.
  • I am fairly new here, but I can already tell you it makes a difference. Just the right amount of encouragement. Logs to keep you honest. It's great. I will say - LOG EVERYTHING. I had 7 crackers with dinner last night, they went in with the sandwich and salad. It keeps me from backsliding. I've tried, which means I go up…
  • They are both actually the same plant as black tea. There are very few tea varieties in the world, surprisingly enough. The four main varieties - white, green, regular and black - all have to do with the maturity of the plant at harvest. Some people feel that green is the sweet spot for antioxidants. I prefer black, but…
  • Nice! I'm kind of pathetic on exercise, I just walk 30 minutes per day. I hope to do more, though.
  • What is it?
  • I'm 33, don't know if that is in the qualifying age range, but I'll give you encouragement any time you need it!
  • I weight every day, and the news isn't always good. But, you have to have bad days as well as good, right? One day I had was expecting a nice drop because I had done so well, but gained instead! I pouted, I recorded my weight, I pouted some more. It turns out, it was water weight because I had a bunch of salty food a…
  • How can you be addicted to something you should be drinking every hour of every day, even while sleeping? Caffeine is God's way of apologizing for prohibition. Ok, maybe I have a problem... I tried to reduce my caffeine intake a couple of weeks ago, just couldn't hack it. There are LOTS of good alternative low cal energy…
  • You've already gotten some great, easy methods - now I'm going to give you the hard way as just another option. It helps if you have a rice cooker, but it isn't needed - just substitute a small pot. Get a pan with just a little olive oil hot. Put your (preseasoned) meat in, about 15 seconds per side to get a crisp outside.…
  • I've got an idea in mind, going to have to pick up some lemons!
  • I happen to like Green Tea, but that's just me. You can get the intense flavor of a good chocolate from some cheeses, put some Bleu on your next sandwich. It's great. I'm lucky, I like the taste of healthy foods. Hell, I just like everything, that's how I got fat. For you, try recipes like Hungry Girl's. Chocolate muffins,…
  • Ok, one more thing... mentioned that you can "do a day", and that's great - but try to think of it as a lifestyle or a game or anyway but a chore. There are lots of foods that you can eat and eat and eat on, and Little Debbie is an evil little *****. Find a way to make this comfortable and enjoyable for you, and it…
    in Help :( Comment by onlinebs June 2011
  • Well, first recognize the problem! Check, ok, you did that. But, remember food is fuel. Say that to yourself next time you're tempted to just jump on a snack, as often people (like me!) do that to try to bury some negative feeling. Do you like to cook or at least play in the kitchen? Prepare a bunch of snacks ahead of…
    in Help :( Comment by onlinebs June 2011
  • I just started eating Greek Yogurt, and I love it. I haven't tried mixing in jello, but I'm going to give it a shot!
  • I think the over/under warning is based on a percentage, so it's harder for women to get close to the goal without going over than it is for us guys. If you eat 1100 calories in one day, you are almost 10% under the goal - if I eat 100 calories less than my goal, it is just under 5% under. I think it is important to eat…