

  • lol right... thats pretty bored when a nap helps lol :) i dont sleep much as it is tho so it might be the best thing to do lol
  • oh. i dont follow y thts on here but ok. thanks :)
  • his comment made me like really upset feeling. not mad just like errr why would u say something like tht... i trust my man
  • at times i do... my family is in for a little while so during the day i have a busy schedule with the kids but during nap time and after our workouts its always like a blank spot. and at night is hard too. everyone is sleeping and since i cant sleep i just do crunches or pushups til im either sore or sleepy lol or i dance…
  • thank you cuz me and my fiance are having enough probs planning a wedding haha i dnt need stress of cheating too hahaha :) thanks
  • ive tried watching a movie, but its like i hate staying still too long lol. ive been working on wedding plans, but even that takes 6 hours and gives me nothing to do the next day haha. yesterday me and my mom were talking bout my wedding plans, but then today im back to this. bored again lol. trying not to eat my bordem.…
  • what u mean???? He is at his mothers...... using her fone.... aint nothin on the side round these parks
  • lol wow i never saw that anyone wrote back! cool haha. im bored cuz i keep getting done everything i need to and exercising and everything but its like i have hours of nothingness
  • im gunna tell ya wat my mom told me to. lol. i told her the same thing and the next day she started giving me magnesium. tht stuff helps alot. u take one tablet and it helps with muscle and joints. like it repairs wat u strained in exercise :) maybe u should try tht. its healthy and inexpensive. and 100% natural :)
  • i hate mine... i have learned tho tht cocoa butter after a shower and before bed + going outside alot helps :) thts just me. but when ur body gets the Vitamin D i think tht helps. with plenty of lotion and sun i got rid of half of mine :)
  • mine fluctuates all the time. one day it'll say 'll be 148.9 one day it'll say 132.4 soooo imo id say just try and keep a balanced diet and when u find tht ur weight at the bottom starts to look about where ur goal is then continue with tht plan :) but thts just wat im trying to do :)
  • i was getting dressed one day and my mom happened to be home early. and she came past my room. she was like " your starting to look hot" i was like "im starting to look hot? haha what?" she said " weightloss looks good on you" i said "thanks" of course but it got me thinking about all the people before telling me i was…
  • definately praying for you. :) you can do it :)