

  • There is a free App through the Android market :) that's what I use. Simple but it does the job. Good luck!
  • FayeBaye is my friend and is also on MFP. She has had diabetes for 15+ years and is looking for support on MFP from other diabetics. She would love to hear from you and hopefully you both can help eachother out. Good luck! -Cat
  • Women gain 2-4 lbs during menstration... YUCK! lol. Water weight/retention. :)
  • I know the feeling! I take my 2 year old dughter to our local nature park which has 3.5 miles of very easy walking trails. She loves to be outside and in nature and its beautiful and not the same ol' pounding the pavement. Google nature parks or walks in your area. There are normally free nature centers, and just walking…