kermiehiho Member


  • Actually, I just finished the second smoothie, and it was pretty tasty with the lime and pineapple. Admittedly, I halved the kale and celery and cucumber, because I accidentally doubled the spinach in the first one, and I added lime juice to taste, but I wouldn't label it "torture". If you doubt me, you can try one of the…
  • Does it really taste like lasagna? Like, does the zucchini really take on a noodle-y texture?
  • I'm open to trying new things, and it's only three days. I'm doing this on the weekend, because I didn't want to be at work with unpleasant side effects, in case my system is not used to this. If there's a good smoothie recipe, I figure I can add it to my collection, since I usually blend up some fruit and yogurt for…
  • OK, so texture-wise, the gelatin worked perfectly. But taste-wise, it's better in a pudding texture for some reason. In the more solid form, maybe because of the cocoa powder, it tastes a little chalky... But good to know I don't need the standard sugar for the gelatin to work. Maybe you knew that already, but I'm working…
  • Any word on how many ounces or grams this container of light silken tofu is?
  • Do you think I could just use cocoa powder instead of protein powder? I mean, I know it would no longer be protein bars, but would it still come out OK?
  • Funny you should ask - first time I made this dish, and I think it's delicious. I am pausing to type this with a bowlful in front my computer right this moment, in fact. Ingredients: Servings: 4-6 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 3/4 cup chopped onion 3 cups water 2 cups diced zucchini 1 cup diced carrot, peeled 1 cup…
  • Frozen banana chocolate ice cream Freeze banana. Break frozen banana into chunks into a blender. Add cocoa powder (I use a tablespoon). Blend until an ice cream-like consistency.
  • Here's an easy one. Good basic sugar cookie. 1 cup butter ¾ confectioner’s sugar 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour Cream butter with sugar until very smooth and fluffy. Add flour and mix in with fingers to form dough. Place dough on lightly-floured pastry cloth and roll out to 1/4-inch thickness; no thinner. Cut with cookie…
  • What can I use if I don't have flaxseed?
  • Awesome! Looks gluten-free too. Do you have any pictures?
  • HEY, also 26 until December. Getting old... T.T
  • Darn I guess it is my diet; I prefer the whites over the yolks too. Although I do eat my share of leafy greens and beans... Thanks for the list. :)
  • I often "bake" potatoes in the microwave and sprinkle green onions atop the tomatoes, ham, cheese, and plain nonfat yogurt (=sour cream flavor). I also enjoy them in soup and tofu salad (tofu, tomatoes, shoyu, lettuce, carrots, green onion).
  • My dad tends to eat up the bananas for lunch or snack, but when there are leftovers, these are some of my favorite things to do with them... - mash into 1/4 c. oats and microwave for a minute (good with peanut butter spread over it, or choc chips mixed in) - freeze, throw chopped into blender with tablespoon cocoa and…
  • I just made this with kale, and actually did a blind taste test on my dad. The conversation went something like this: Me: OK, dad, what is this? (puts kale chip in father's mouth) Dad: (chews) potato chip!
  • By the way, some of the stuff I've tried for my meal management class is posted at with pictures. Only the successful experiments.:tongue: Again, they're all healthy stuff, since the public school food policies are so restrictive. By the way, I'd appreciate any suggestions for beverages as…
  • Oooh, sounds like a winner. Seems to be within the caloric, fat, and sugar restrictions. Now to pray that none of my kids are allergic to nuts or milk... :wink: Thanks!
  • Oohh, those do look good...but the saturated fat is at 2.3 grams, and I have to stay below 2 grams...:cry:
  • That does sound good... But, I can't leave it in the oven overnight. I have five other classes...>v<
  • I just tried the banana ice cream thing yesterday; it was awesome. :D
  • It is really good. I've tried something similar with bananas and honey. The avocados really just add a great creamy texture. I like avocados to begin with though. My aunty always makes an avocado jello dessert in which she mixes lime jello with pureed avocado and layers it with a cream cheese mixture on a shortbread crust.…
  • Entering the ingredients into the food tracker tool here, it said 106 calories.
  • Majunta's right about the T thing, and I believe you can also use mashed bananas as an egg substitute in baking.
  • On the positive side, my orthopedist said I'm now free to lift whatever. He literally said I could lift 100 lbs if I wanted (which I never could anyway; that's like my own weight), bend, and twist. The issue now is that I also had to get a permanent pacemaker as a result of the accident (seatbelt force fractured my sternum…
  • As an update, I tried a Chinese herbal recipe that I found worked really well on me. I drank this one night, and the day after, I wasn't as tired or drained as before. The second time I drank it, the following day I felt completely recovered; no cold symptoms at all. Ingredients garlic ginger thyme lemon honey Directions…
  • Wow, that was a wake-up drink! I think if it weren't apple-cider vinegar, but just white vinegar, it might have been nasty, but the vinegar gave the drink a tartness kind of like lemons, while the apply-honey flavor came out more. Probably helps that I like vinegar-flavored things. :drinker:
  • Thanks for the recommendations. Still sick. The soup recipe looks good (too bad I don't have red wine vinegar). But I do have apple cider vinegar, so maybe I'll try that Canadian remedy. I'll let you know how it works out. :drinker:
  • Well, I halved the recipe and it made 4 standard sized muffins (and by "standard", I mean not mini, but not thosecommercial-sized monsters either). Sorry, I don't know how many calories per muffin. My doctor wants me to gain body fat, so I've given up calorie-counting. What matters is that it's all good-for-you stuff!…