

  • Combine the two. A crossfit style workout with little time between lifts keeps the cardio up. The crossfit WOD is just working out with no time between. Add a jog/sprint day in there too. Look up interval training.
  • Add the P90X ab-ripper (15 min) to your workout 2-3 times a week. Add that and try adding some sprint days in on your cardio days. My $.02.
  • Don't do plyometrics before snowboarding. You'll see what I mean. :) A lot of people I work with have done the entire routine and they've gotten awesome results. The challenge is sticking it out all 3 months. I've done most of the workouts and heard some people are sore and some aren't. Drink a lot of water and eat a…
  • I'm actually lowering my reps and going to start the 4x4 workout on main lifts such as dumbell bench, squats, and hang cleans. If I can't do 4 and get 3 on set, stay at the weight but if I'm doing 6 reps on all sets (like I did tonight on dumbell bench) it's time to move up in weight. Hopefully this works as I'm now…
  • I'm in the same boat. Don't give up. I can't seem to get past (consistantly) 200 and I'm 6'7"......... I've found we skinny guys have to eat a helluva lot of healthy foods and carb up. Dense calories such as bread, whole milk, pastas etc. along with your protein shakes and meat. I'm changing my workouts to strength…
  • I do crossfit and it'd be nice (yet difficult) to calculate total cal. burned during an exercise. There are a lot of crossfit gyms across the nation. The one I go to can be seen at crossfitls.com and you can see a lot of the exercises we do on there. The strength training is first followed by a 5 min. break into the WOD…