mboone4541 Member


  • Swim: 12.79 miles Bike: 412.72 miles Run: 74.34 miles Total: 499.85 miles Maybe I should go river dance for 0.15 miles to make it an even 500 :-)
  • I only saw the topic so I clicked on this just to make sure it wasn't my wife starting the topic :-). 1200 calories is not much at all, especially if you are working out; if I were trying to lose weight I'd probably go 500 to 1000 under whatever your metabolism + workout calories are.
  • Also being discussed here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/233267-why-cut-back-on-salt
  • Two reasons, I think. One, if you are eating a lot of sodium it probably means you are eating a lot of processed foods. Two, this was from February: February 9, 2011 (Los Angeles, California) — Sodium has already been linked to vascular disease, but a new study suggests that excessive intake may also heighten ischemic…
  • I have been surprised to see how little some people eat. If I tried to burn 1000+ calories a day working out and only eat 1200 total, I'd melt into a puddle. I do think when you are way undereating, you are not seeing the gains from your workouts that you could be, and that your body will stubbornly hang onto every bit of…
  • Yes me too. I think it is just my personality. But since I work out in the morning, I think it is especially bad. I am trying to do a better job of refueling right after the workout.
  • Wow my wife is already quite thin but perhaps I should see if she wants to lose a few pounds.... :-)
  • It's a great question. For me I focus on the combination movements (Squats, lunges etc) more so than isolation movements, and I stick to 1-2 sets of most exercises, since I feel that the initial sets are where the bigger gains are made. I try to make up a whole body routine I can do in about an hour, and do that 1 or 2…
  • I am kind of following the primal eating plan, I say "kind of" because I do triathlons, and in the window immediately before/during/immediately after workouts, I use manufactured products like sports drinks and gels. But the rest of the day I am trying to eat only meats, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and eggs. I have…
  • Hey, if it weren't for the back of the pack there would be no front of the pack, right??? I very much started at the back of the pack (I was next to last out of the water on my first swim), then I stuck with it and moved to near the middle of the pack. Stayed there for years, then started doing some interval training, and…
  • I've been doing triathlons for a while (I'd say how long exactly, but it makes me sound really old.......). I'd love to help in any way I could. I am a firm believer that your time goal for your first race should simply be to finish in the vertical position :-). As long as you finish on the same day the race started,…
  • I do about 6-10 races a year; I agree that it is a very friendly sport!!