

  • I'm finding that if I eat the bad stuff I lay awake at night because I can feel it as a lump sitting inside my stomach, it puts me right off eating it again, last night we went to the inlaws for tea and we had pasta, it's now nearly midday here and I can still feel it! It's awful!
  • But that's the problem you have no metabolism, you need to kick start it by retraining. Eating the meals is the only way to do that, your body is hanging on to the food it does get because it doesn't know when it's getting it's next meal....try it and see, best of luck hun
  • I keep a meal replacement bar in my handbag for those days where I have just run out of time while I'm out and I NEED to eat, I get a low fat decaf latte and PRETEND I'm having a glorious choc bar, ok so it's all in my mind, but it's a meal AND it takes care of my choc cravings.....good luck hunni
    in Fast Food Comment by car01ine July 2011
  • Almonds are great too, 23 kernels are about 164 cal, I LOVE snacking on them
  • water water water, it's my saving grace hun
  • I think I have had some great support from people here that I don't even know, just that one person saying 'well done' is such a huge boost. I update my weight when I have even lost just 100 grams, it all adds up and seeing it written down here makes it so real, I've had more success here in just over a month then with…
  • I think you are eating an awful lot of sodium and empty calories hun, You might have more luck with healthier options, like fruit and nuts for snacks instead of processed foods.
  • Hey don't ruin my good excuse lol I think I am broad in the back, well I am def wider there then my best friend but I guess until I get this weight off I'll never know. I don't think there are actual BIG BONES, but it's a nice excuse isn't it :)
  • Us emotional eaters are so hard on ourselves aren't we? Quick go for a walk, grab a handful of almonds they have been my saving grace because I feel like I'm snacking, BUT if you HAVE to have something have a small amount and move on to tomorrow. We all need a little something now and then....good luck
  • I agree, take your one day, and climb right back on the wagon the next. good luck!
  • Maybe if you are going to keep snacking on the cereal keep a 1/4 cup measure in the box so you don't just grab a handful you grab a measured amount and so making it easier to track, Def use the recipe maker to measure that zuc bread, I think you'll be suprised how it all adds up in the end. Good luck
  • you look like a totally different person!! Well done!