

  • Thanks, it's been a tough 60 days, but I'm glad I've decided to pursue a much more healthy live style. I use to eat out 3 times a day and I use to each a lot of fast food junk, now I make my own foods.
  • Thanks everyone, I've been working hard at this!
  • Like I use P90X and do the ab ripper x every other day, well I start getting cramps on my stomach about three exercises in. Is there a way to stop this from happening so I can do more reps?
  • I must admit, the exercises I was doing before P90X were not anywhere near as intense. I'm in the military and my favorite exercise is the push-up of course, but for some reason I was struggling to even pump out 15 push-ups today which never happens. I usually can pump out 25-30 without any problem... I do workout at…
  • http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/images/core_strength_side_bridge.gif Try this one.
  • What kind of results have you had as far as weight loss? I weight 190 and my goal is to weigh 150 or 155 lbs. It is quite expensive, I heard that if you're a coach, you can get it for the price of $89 a month. Is it really worth it?
  • What's the benefit of doing the Class workout versus the Lean workout?
  • Hey guys, I appreciate all the great feedback. Does anyone have anymore suggestions or want to add anything else to my questions? Thanks, Abel Morales