gobshite Member


  • Yes, he is right. Dont run saturday, and what ever you do, do not eat heavy the night before or the morning off. I have run 3 10k's in the last year and 2 weeks ago was getting ready to do one but it was a really hot morning. So I didnt listen to advice given to me to not do anything different and I drank a gatorade. That…
  • Cindy, 2 yrs ago I pretty much declared war on myself. I was about 300 lbs and a heavy smoker. Had tried to quit several times, and yes used chantix, but had to come off it because of the dreams, so I started smoking again. I went after the weight loss hard for the first year, lost 90 lbs, started running 10k's so I felt…
  • for me Angel, it's the accountability of it!!!!!!
  • Funny I just did the same thing...charging my phone and discovered this. Had no idea it was a huge forum