

  • Garlic croutons with caesar dressing! I could go through an entire box of coutons this way LOL.
  • Based from experience, if you choose to ignore the stomach growling, you're most likely to say "screw it" I'll start over tomorrow.....then hit the fridge. I know sometimes, when I chose to ignore the stomach growling and pain.....I couldn't even sleep. So, whenever it happened to me.....I ate the following: 1 of the 100…
  • Simply ask them all of the ingredients that they put in each dish then use a calorie counter. Common sense tells you that if a dish is fried or contains fatty ingredients such as oils, fatty meats, or other unhealthy's going to contain alot of calories. If it is too difficult to acquire the ingredients, than…
  • I agree with the others, it is most likely water weight. But, you should also consider the time of day in which you weighed. Your body's weight fluctuates throughout the day, so if you weighed in the morning then weighed again at night, your weight may be higher. Drink tons of water for a day or two, then weigh....those 5…