JALangston Member


  • Yes. Any liquid does. Freezies do. Soda does. Fruits and veggies do to (but hard to track unless you make your own juice). Soup does. Coffee does. Milk does. .... s'how people who never drink water still manage to survive LOL. Your body just pulls out all that H20 from the foods your eating and the drinks your drinking.…
    in water Comment by JALangston June 2011
  • My husband is the same way... think cayanne in swedish meatballs, fettucini alfredo or tater tot hotdish (can you tell he's from WI?? LOL) But that leads me to my point... Why not just use powdered cayanne pepper? Or, make your own...http://www.hotsaucerecipe.net/ says most hot sauce is peppers, vinegar, onions, garlic,…
  • Ok, great! you have really good stuff here and I appreciate all the information. You've answered my questions: my HR is high(er) because I'm not used to the activity. It is normal. It is good. My HR will correct itself in time. Glucose is not muscle protein and if I tap that energy source it will not hurt my muscles.…
  • Ok, so what you both are saying is that the anaerobic state for the heart and the anaerobic state for your (leg) muscles are two separate functions and that my HR running @80% isn't an indicator that my (leg) muscles are in an anaerobic state as well (and therefore aren't necessarily using glycogen).
  • My family has backed off the salt wagon for about a year now, and I can share with you what we do: First, a lot of processed foods are made with salt. 6 oz. of Yoplait Light Yogurt has 85mg of sodium!! for a yogurt; something meant to be sweet!! Making yogurt at home takes less than an hour for a whole quart of it, and no…
  • Thank you, all for all your warm welcomes! I look forward to hearing everyone's stories and helping to support everyone on their fitness journeys!!
  • If anyone wants any advice on boobs, weight loss and bras; you are all more than welcome to direct your questions to me! I am a manager at Victoria's Secret and have been up on this topic for the last five years! Give me a shout!