Aa0406 Member


  • I have to add that the particular PT I have noticed isn't overweight, but rather skinny, but so obviously not fit. You know, the posture is wrong, the chest isn't up when showing exercises, back hunched over, body composition is off, no toned muscles. Everything so subtle, but overall impression is that person isn't fit.
  • I would also prefer someone knowledgeable over someone fit and clueless. However, how do you know who is knowledgeable? When you hire a PT, you don't know what's right. That's why you go to a pro for help.
  • I don't think I personally will pay to anybody who doesn't show their "resume" on their body.
  • Thank you, UpperBodyLowe. I see that your goals are very close to what I determined for myself. I have, also, figured out through various calculations that my calorie intake should be 1500/day and I should eat back my exercise calories. I was concerned at some point that this is too low, but I have double checked with…
  • Thank you for your thoughts on this. I am trying to figure out my macronutrients ratio within my calorie deficit range to progress doing StrongLifts and lower body fat %. I have been tweaking my calorie intake for couple of years without great success in reducing body fat. I am finally tired of putting a lot of effort into…