

  • My size 14 pants were tight and I was struggling on the soccer field (you should know I play goalkeeper).
  • You mentioned the grill -- you have got to try Pollo Sabroso. It's a Latino-inspired recipe I've been grilling this summer. Very tasty!
  • Another science (and math) teacher here. I teach physics. If it moves, it's biology. If it smells, it's chemistry. If it doesn't work, it's physics.
  • kathye85: I hear you on measuring portions. I feel hungry now just like I used to jones for a smoke. I know it's a mental habit rather than an empty stomach...but dang! Have already discovered the sugar free cool whip but haven't tried sugarfree ice cream. Will have to get some next time I'm at the store. kymarai: I agree…
  • Appliance-wise: Try a rice cooker. It's kinda like a crock pot / slow cooker that switches off magically when the food's ready. for examples. I got one for $15 at the WalMart. Food-wise, I want to second the Aldi suggestion. Also, you can find cheap produce at a…
  • Definitely use the hummus you like best :) I'm a huge fan of Sabra's flavor, especially the roasted pine nut.