

  • Insanity all the way!!!! You cant go wrong with Shaun T he will make u sweat and push yourself past what you think you can do. Its hard but rewarding and you see Insane results 45 day Completed = 20+ LBS dropped for me (I also try to eat as clean as possible with a few cheat days)
  • I hate to say it but the promotion works, I had to go but didnt get a massive meal, did win a free thing of medium fries. guess im going to just have to work out harder haha
  • I had a hard week 2 of month 2, i went on a trip and missed 4 days so repeating week 2 and then moving on, I feel great! i really see a difference and cant believe i still have 3 weeks left, cant wait to come out the other side, Then thinking of going through it again or starting asylum
  • I started at around 1200-1300 Calories, I found out for me personally that this was not enough, i was dropping weight but my energy was getting depleted fast, I changed my calorie intake and got more power foods in my diet, So now in the second month im around 1500-1700 but sometimes drop below depending on the day. After…
  • Glad to see the football love!!!, I have been a charger fan my whole life, through the bads and the goods haha
  • I am on month 2 week 2 and at first felt all the aches and pains; I included at least 1 banana a day into my diet and it really helped with that cramping achy feeling. I also started to include more almonds and avocados into my diet and my body felt really well. I also used icy hot on the days that were just a killer on my…
  • Only eat the calories back if you are trying to maintain or gain weight, but if your trying to shed pounds never eat them back, thats the most simple way to look at it, then you can get in more detail with amount of fats and carbs, Calories can be deceiving, so i would read up on what good calories and bad calories are and…
  • It could be that i am over the workouts and need something new, I am excited for the new workouts but at the same time dreading them.
  • I am also on the week before recovery, is anyone having an especially hard time getting through this week?
  • Im Almost to the recovery week!, Trying to push through the last week of month one. Did anyone feel like they are having a harder time with week 4 than any other week?
  • Thank You!