

  • I like this guy.
  • Same for me. A couple times a year, I'll break down into tears from the frustration of it all and THEN he MIGHT initiate. As for the rest of the year, I don't even bother to ask anymore. A fellow MFPer told me about a site called ExperienceProject. They have groups for people living in sexless and almost sexless marriages.…
  • My husband and I just started couples counseling. Yesterday was our second session with the therapist. He kept repeating, "There's nothing wrong with a wife wanting to have sex with her husband." I cried. We only have sex 2-3 times a year and it always takes a lot of persuasion on my part. I thought things might be a…
  • Today I'm a nerd because I bought a Star Wars print skirt.
  • This thread makes me crazy happy. I seriously am willing to *kitten* myself on webcam wearing THE gold bikini in exchange for some of this loot.
    in LOOT! Comment by seattle_chick May 2012
  • Yeah, I'd take my miserable situation over that any day. :(
  • Thanks for the hugs! I'm hoping me finding a therapist to talk to will be the catalyst to couples counseling. Just want to get my thoughts and feelings in order first.
  • Well, damn you, hotties! Don't be shy and friend me!
  • Wow. Just having someone acknowledge that is making me want to cry. Thanks for the validation. This whole thread, actually, has really helped me to see that it's ok for me to want sex and that I shouldn't have to feel ashamed all the time.
  • Music/Comic/Gamer/Internet - in that order.
  • Totally worth it! You're not just getting an app - you're getting an awesome, interactive audio book and game. If you're willing to spend $8 to see a two hour movie at the theater, then this is a steal with up to 33 or so hours worth of entertainment.
  • I used to be the initiator 100% of the time. But, after being rejected 100% of the time, I stopped initiating. My husband and I have had a lot of conversations about it. It's actually really hard for me to talk about because I start to get really teary over it. The response I get from him time and time again is that sex…
  • Started playing. Initially, I was waiting until I had finished some interval training but I just couldn't wait. LOVE IT! I've done 5 runs and am at a population of 150. I walk a lot immediately after my run and pick up hella supplies that way. My Runner 5 shirt came in the mail yesterday but it's too big! All the running…
  • I haven't started Zombies, Run! yet but I've had similar issues with my Runtastic app. It's paused itself mid-run before. I have some sort of magic in my *kitten* that beams through layers of fabric to activate touch screens. Perhaps you share my special ability?
  • I'm a huge Whedon fan and felt that this may be my favorite work of his to date. I have never had so much fun watching a horror movie unfold. Can't wait to see it again and am rallying to get everyone I know to see it.
  • This sounds like the most fun I could possibly ever have whilst running. I'm dying to try this but am also terrified of zombies and a little scared it might be too much. Can you die in the game?
  • I hate zombies. I actually had a 6 month period of panic attacks after seeing 3 zombie movies back to back. I was super paranoid that the dead would rise. Thankfully, I can laugh about it now. When zombocalypse strikes, you won't be the only one raiding the pharmacy.
  • I dated a Wolverine cosplayer! :) And liked him better as Wolverine.
  • Mine aren't alphabetical or organized by genre due to having two boys. 30th DVD in = Mobile Suit Gundam Wing disc 2.
  • Hobbit lovers: WTF is Evangeline Lily's character? I might be outraged if I had read the book.
  • That strange whirl of confusion and nausea when I first realized sexy Jon Hamm of Mad Men fame was also the actor who played the idiot with hook hands on 30 Rock...
  • Damn, Turbo Chels! You are rocking a hot Doctor outfit. I'm suddenly feeling very confused about my sexuality.
  • Hell to the yes.
  • If you see Bill and Ted, please let them know that Socrates and Stations are crashing at my place this week so they won't be able to catch the next Wyld Stallions show. Thanks and party on, dudes!
  • Oooh... I'm a big super hero nerd. I even gave a presentation on the psychology of Marvel/DC mythology when I was in college. I wasn't crazy about Captain America or Thor (although I appreciated some of the humor in Thor). X-Men First Class was a pleasant surprise though. Keaton knocked my socks off when I was a kid - but…
  • I tried reading the Sookie books but couldn't get into them. I put Twiglight in the "ashamed to love it" category. I find myself rolling my eyes reading/watching them all the time but I can't help feel like a giddy school girl for the whole ride. Vampire Diaries really floats my boat. Team Damon all the way! Unrequited…
  • Totally agree with all the above. Just had to give an extra shout out for SPACED. There's something for every kind of geek in that show. :)
  • I'm Victoria. My primary superpower is the ability to make milk. My secondary power allows me to persuade, influence and gain approval from others easily. Unfortunately, my two children were born impervious to that particular talent. I might even go as far as saying they are my kryptonite.
  • Well, if we're going by bone structure alone, I'm an elf all the way. I have a really long and lean frame when I take care of myself. I'm training to be a rogue. Nice strong arms for carryng my baby/striking down foes with my mad archery skillz. Wicked stealth for creeping past a sleeping baby/sneaking past the ogre's…