kittylee79 Member


  • haha exactly my reasoning, as long as we are ok with it and any kids we have I guess it doesn't matter what others struggle with or don't get. I guess it just depends on how much importance you place on names. I am one of those people who feel it is part of my identity and can't bear the thought of giving it up when I…
  • I am taking my H2B name but keeping my own too, without a hyphen. I have never had a middle name and am so attached to my own (am 33) that it would feel wrong not to keep it, its a part of me forever, A few people have made all sorts of comments on how confusing it will be for children or their schools. Regarding children…
  • Hello all! My date and venue is set too, has been since the day after I joined the BES actually! lol 8th November 2013 at low parks museum in Hamilton then onto the Bothwell bridge. I went for November as its a bit cheaper plus you can't rely on a Scottish summer anyway. At least in November you expect the worse and…
  • I have sent you mine now sorry for delay!
  • Jess for team captain! yipeeee! thanks Jess :) My date is now set for 8th November 2013 :) not long really. Wedding venues booked and dress ordered.
  • I can't get it to load. :( anyone else having issues?
  • I have posted you my WI now. Thanks, Kirsty x
  • Hi all! I am still in early days of organising although wedding will be sometime in November I think this year. I only got engaged on New Years day though so yeah very early days! Am excited to get to my first exhibition and see some dresses and other things. Lets all keep each other motivated and get ready for the best…
  • Hi all congratulations to everyone! My name is Kirsty and I am from Glasgow. I just got engaged on New Year's Day to my fiance Jamie. We met in June 2012 so its been a whirlwind romance. We are looking to get married in November this year (2013) so quite soon! I have to lose some weight therefore before my wedding dress…
  • My current weight and my first weigh in is in fact 161lbs and not 157lbs as in my first post. Sorry! x
  • 1. Name - Kirsty 2. Wedding Date – undecided 2013 3. Home State – Glasgow, UK 4. Current Weight - 157 5. Goal Weight for 12 week cycle - 140 6. Overall Goal Weight – 133 - 140 Thanks for organising! should be fun!
  • well I have just started today so my June goal is to lose 4lbs by the end of it which is in line with my predicted progress! wish me luck!