

  • OMG that made me laugh so hard i nearly pee'd my pants. thank you
  • You know what? It's totally normal to feel like you do. When we set goals for ourselves, if we have too many things to try and do, it becomes a bit overwhelming. Obviously you have more than one li'l un running around, *you mentioned a youngest* so you must be a super busy mum. That, with work or housework, or both, plus…
  • I hear ya. But seriously, it takes time. The scales show the weight loss before you see it - in my case anyway. Keep it going, and sooner rather than later you will notice a difference. Or someone else will comment, and then you will start to see what they do. Once it happens, you will notice more and more every day, then…
  • If you can handle spicy food, this thai chilli broth works wonders! It unclogs your sinuses and something about the chilli seems to scare the cold away: Ingredients Chicken or vegetable stock (enough to feed whoever is suffering, 1L for 2-3 people I guess) Chopped birdseye chillies to taste - seeds removed (I have used 12…
  • I adapted a linguini recipe I am addicted to by cutting courgettes (zucchini) into thin strips to replace the linguni. Prawns finely chopped birdseye chillis to taste (I like spicy so use about 4 chillis without the seeds for 2 people) lemon juice and zest (1 lemon for 2 people) crushed garlic (again, to taste, I use 3 or…
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