No i dont deserve it!!!!

Hi I've been at this since February and gone from 205lb-153lb. I have been eating sensibly and cutting back on portion sizes mainly and making sure I move more than I sit everyday.

Anyway I had an operation last Wednesday and have been suffering with quite a lot of pain since and been told not to do anything to strenuous for 3weeks and I can't lift my youngest for a week. So while being bored and feeling a bit sorry for myself I've got into a really bad mind set of thinking that I deserve to treat myself as I don't feel well. I really don't know why I'm throwing all my hard work away its really getting to me.

So what I really want to know has anyone else got into this way of thnking and how did you snap out of it?


  • claire_mant
    You know what? It's totally normal to feel like you do. When we set goals for ourselves, if we have too many things to try and do, it becomes a bit overwhelming.

    Obviously you have more than one li'l un running around, *you mentioned a youngest* so you must be a super busy mum. That, with work or housework, or both, plus keeping on track with your calories and now a health problem to overcome, is just throwing a lot into the mix. Give yourself a break.

    Treat yourself, but if you can, try and treat yourself with food cheats occasionally, and think of other treats for in between. Like, I dunno, painting your nails. Or 20 minutes in a candle lit bubble bath. Or a freshly picked bunch of flowers. Honestly, treats at this point in your life are exactly what you deserve, just as long as they're not always food. Mix it up.

    GOOD LUCK and I sincerely hope you recover very quickly!