

  • I have something to share!!!! I have had a shirt hanging in my closet for yrs. (brand new). It has been my goal shirt, I got into it today and I am so happy. I have another one too, and that one is next on my list..yea for me.
  • My greatest reward will be to meet any future grandkids that I might have.
  • LMAO!!!! :laugh:
  • They say that pole dancing is excellent exercise, go ahead and sign up for it!!! You will have a lot of fun, and lose that last tricky 10 I usually give myself a home mani, pedi, facial and then I try to get my hair cut when I can.
  • Check in your local phone book to find a bra shop, that is the only thing that I can think of. The largest sport bras that I have found was a 44 D at Walmart. Sorry I couldn't be more help to you. Good Luck!
  • Did you measure yourself when you started? If so, measure yourself again and compare it to your beginning measurements. You may be losing inches. Sometimes the inches comes off first. Keep going, and good luck!!! It took me a little while to get the hang of things for the weight to start coming off, before you know it, you…
  • Showing some
  • I agree with the rest. Get yourself a new trainer, that is the best advice that you should listen to. The trainer is your hubby's friend, he will tell it, and then you have just hurt your hubby. For what? A one night stand!!! The trainer is making you feel good and special, that is his job. So just forget your crush and…
  • I was born and raised in Michigan, every time I go to Kentucky, my accent changes when I see Florence's water tower. I lived in Kentucky for a little over 20 yrs. So I have one messed up accent. It doesn't know if it is Northern or Southern. Go figure.
  • Y'all is a contraction of "You All". You will find that most people from southern states use the word, or people from northern states that were raised by parents from southern states. It is fun to use, because it just kinda rolls off the tongue.
  • I need to lose over a 100 lbs as well and I know how hard it is. I too am fairly new to myfitnesspal, so feel free to add me as a friend. We might be able to help each other.