

  • Hard work but stay focused. How about making the cravings into healthy versions? Pitta bread pizza? Low fat cheese and tomato based sauce? Something sweet - Caramel snack a jacks x
  • I agree with you - I've had lots of support already it's great!
  • Wooo, so many good reviews! Can't wait to connect up my Wii and have a go! I had a sneaky go when I got it on Saturday and followed a few 'basic steps' tutorials. I feel a zumba party coming on! :P
  • Wooo, so many good reviews! Can't wait to connect up my Wii and have a go! I had a sneaky go when I got it on Saturday and followed a few 'basic steps' tutorials. I feel a zumba party coming on! :P
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. First step, you need to know you are beautiful to others so feel beautiful. Next step, work towards your goal of becomming beautiful in your own definition of beautiful, make your goals clear and take one step at a time, it's not going to happen over night but if you really put your…
  • The benefits sound good to me so far! I've just got to adjust my ways and for a start I need to almost 'plan' when to have water because usually I don't even drink much - Probably around 4 cups of tea and 1 fizzy drink a day... Perhaps for a week it will be water all the way so that I feel the difference. :)
    in Water? Comment by nicolephoto June 2011
  • Good to know the benefits - Going to have my first glass of the day, I usually just drink tea and never really noticed the lack of water in my diet. Aiming for the whole 8 glasses today, seems really simple but i'm sure you'll agree it's quite a change when you're used to having none at all xx
    in Water? Comment by nicolephoto June 2011
  • The support i've had already on here is great! I think I may have motivation to even stay healthy during my week away!
  • Thank you! Just what I need, people also wanting to lose weight to help me along the way and give me the much needed motivation I need :-)