one day...

maybe one day i might get the "pretty girl" treatment... one day i might get told im beautiful, for real, from people who mean it.. not because they feel they have too. i have a mirror.. im not stupid, i know what you see, i know what i see. how can you love someone when you cant love yourself? why would you want to touch my body when i dont even touch myself? i stare in the mirror, my eye's are locked on the reflection but i block it out.. it makes me sick :(


  • hiimshadoe
    hiimshadoe Posts: 122
    ill help you!i understand what your saying!.im at 187 right now..goal to be 140..what are your goals?
    talk to me!.im gonna listen!
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    feel free to add me, we'll do this together.
  • kaylabear89
    hi, im currently 125Kg's but my goal is 90Kg's or lower. how much have you lost so far?
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I've added you. Our weight is similar.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You are a beautiful girl. Now you need to work on getting healthy. If losing weight is a by product of that it's a plus. Slow and steady. You are more likely to make it if you make it a lifestyle instead of a diet. Make a choice to eat clean and healthy. If you do your body will change. You are young and have the time to do anything you want. Good luck.
  • hiimshadoe
    hiimshadoe Posts: 122
    3 pounds.i just started.but really!this site is wonderful!ive never felt so supported in losing weight like this ever..if you stick to this site i believe it will keep your spirits up and your head high!there are so many success stories and i personally use those as just another part of my inspiration!
  • missvics
    missvics Posts: 112
    I just have to say that it's very disturbing how focused our society is on weight. I spent my whole life overweight, got up to 320lbs. Then I had a gastric bypass and lost 160lbs. I actually used to joke with my ex-husband about how if we wanted better treatment or service to send me in not him because no matter where I went, EVERYONE, men, women and children treated me so different!!! They were so nice and helpful and giving. It is disturbing. We are programmed this way and it's sad. Please try to remember that you are beautiful inside and OUT regardless of your weight.
  • nicolephoto
    maybe one day i might get the "pretty girl" treatment... one day i might get told im beautiful, for real, from people who mean it.. not because they feel they have too. i have a mirror.. im not stupid, i know what you see, i know what i see. how can you love someone when you cant love yourself? why would you want to touch my body when i dont even touch myself? i stare in the mirror, my eye's are locked on the reflection but i block it out.. it makes me sick :(

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    First step, you need to know you are beautiful to others so feel beautiful.

    Next step, work towards your goal of becomming beautiful in your own definition of beautiful, make your goals clear and take one step at a time, it's not going to happen over night but if you really put your mind to it you can do it.

    Put your head up high, smile at the world knowing you're on the way to a success story, add me i'm a similar weight we can do it together!

  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member
    sweetheart you are beautiful, but i understand where you coming from :blushing:blushing: we can do this x