Samblount Member


  • I'm much in the same position as you. Though my issues are thyroid, adrenal and heart issues. So exercise is difficult in general but I'm hoping to get a non medical approach to health once again! I hope we can support each other on this journey. :)
  • I dislike water as well! What I did was buy a container that will filter the water as you drink it (brings out a different taste) and also will only drink water that has been cooled. I keep milk jugs full of water in my fridge and then either drink out of the filtered container or I will use the mio liquid enhancers as…
  • As another has said, Sodium is a big issue along with the calories. You can be eating the correct amount of calories, but if you have a large amount of sodium then it is going to make it harder to actually lose weight. Fruits/veggies are also important, but like yourself I don't eat the alot or religiously. Do you take any…