Water intake and how to get more

I have a hatred for water and I'm having a hard time getting what I need in on a daily basis. I use crystal lights all the time and feel as though I'm forcing that just to get water down because not only am I not thirsty enough to drink it but I feel like I'm over using the crystal light and getting to much of the bad stuff. Does anyone have any advice on how to get the daily dose of water down without forcing it to the point of sickness??


  • michellewilliams10
    michellewilliams10 Posts: 37 Member
    Work up a good cardio sweat and water goes down like a dream! That's the only time I drink water. X
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    Have you tried that liquid water enhancer called MIO? It's awesome. No sugar, calories, nothing. However it flavors your water enough so you actually want to drink more. And even better one little bottle can do a full case of water. :smile:
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    It gets easier! But I drink a lot of sonic water, it tricks my brain into thinking I'm drinking something bad, and 2 of the route 44 is about 10 servings of water AND in Texas they only cost $0.54
  • purpl3sox
    purpl3sox Posts: 38
    For me it was all about not letting myself drink anything else for a week. Just water. Kept a glass on my desk, a water bottle with me at all times, and throughout the week I started to realize that my water glass was empty without me realizing I had had any, same with my water bottle. You have to keep it within reach and you have to not drink anything else, but you will find yourself craving water once you get away from all of the other stuff. Its hard but it worked for me. I know its probably not what you wanted to hear, but just give it a shot.
  • BeckyReba
    BeckyReba Posts: 43 Member
    i hate water too, and one thing that has worked for me is to drink it room temperature. it goes down a lot quicker so you don't have to deal with it for too long!
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    When I'm low in the water range, I drink sparkling water with a slice of lime....the bubbles make it feel like a treat!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I discovered that I can get water down if I can drink it through a straw! :happy: It has to be ice cold water and I have to have a straw...sounds silly, I know, but it works for me. I have a cup that holds 35.5 oz. and I carry it with me all of the time. It's a cup with a lid and a straw and I bought it at the Dollar Tree. I'm trying to stay away for the mixes w/artificial sweeteners, so I just add a little lemon juice or something. I went from hardly drinking any water to drinking 70 oz a day, which is amazing for me!
  • Samblount
    Samblount Posts: 3 Member
    I have a hatred for water and I'm having a hard time getting what I need in on a daily basis. I use crystal lights all the time and feel as though I'm forcing that just to get water down because not only am I not thirsty enough to drink it but I feel like I'm over using the crystal light and getting to much of the bad stuff. Does anyone have any advice on how to get the daily dose of water down without forcing it to the point of sickness??

    I dislike water as well! What I did was buy a container that will filter the water as you drink it (brings out a different taste) and also will only drink water that has been cooled. I keep milk jugs full of water in my fridge and then either drink out of the filtered container or I will use the mio liquid enhancers as well. Depending on your taste buds, they can be a lil strong at times but once you use them a bit you get used to what you can handle. Those are the best ideas I have! Hope they help!
  • EmilySG2011
    I agree with 4boys4me04. Drinking through a straw seems to help get it down. I have always had a hard time drinking enough fluids of any kind. I too bought a similar water bottle with a built in ice pack and straw (purchased at Big Lots). It's a 32 oz bottle. I keep it at my desk all day and drink the 1st 32 oz. at work and the last 32 oz. at night with dinner and working out. I found it overwhelming to keep filling up 8 oz bottles--this has helped a lot. I am drinking only water--no caffeine drinks (I am totally eliminating all coffee and tea--which I love) and slimfast meal shakes. This is week 2 for me and I have overcome the water drinking problem. I am just forcing myself to stick to it.
  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    I had a really hard time with this at first. For me personally what I did was set a daily goal. So the first week I challenged myself to drink 24 oz everyday for two weeks. Did that for two weeks then I bumped it up to 32 oz everyday for two weeks, and slowly increased it 8 oz every two weeks and now I drink 64 oz - 100 oz a day no problem, I actually can have 64 oz down in a matter of 6-7 hrs at work.
    The other helpful thing is my water bottle is my best friend, it goes with me everywhere, if I am running errands, if I am at work or anywhere I always have a bottle of water. I trained myself to take a sip of water every 15 minutes, I use to use a timer to remind myself , now I don't even watch the time I just automatically sip. You have to train yourself, it will get easier and better. Now I prefer water over anything, I still have my one diet coke a day splurge but mainly drink water.
  • viliberty1957
    I have some serious health issues that I have to address. My oncologist sent me to a nutitionist/naturopath. I won't go into details, but one of the recommendations for me was dring 101 ounces of liquid each day. First, no caffeine. Then I drink a huge mug (14 oz) of herb tea with two meals. 8oz three times to take pills. The only way I can even come close to the 101oz is to use a 20oz bottle, keep it with me, and chug-a-lug whether I want to or not. It gets easier. Other liquids count, such as pop (which I can't have), juices and milk. She said the rule of thumb is one ounce of liquid per two pounds of body weight.

    The bright side is that as I lose each two pounds I can drink an ounce less. Good luck everyone.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    I like iced herbal (berry is my fave) tea. It has no cals but flavours the water.:smile: