

  • Great topic! I think it's funny that it seems the music that motivates us seems to be totally opposite from our "public" personas. I'm very well mannered and a bit reserved in my demeanor most generally but when I'm working out I like to blare Pantera, Marylin Manson or Godsmack, something about angry rock makes me push a…
  • Sounds like you have your mind in exactly the right place. :happy: Seems like with everything else going those few little pounds should be easy peasy! Congrats on all the fantasticness going on in your life!!!!
  • Midol! Midol! Midol!!! I can't stand the bloat!!! My past experience though was a good daily workout really helped out with all of the symptoms of the "gift"! Mine usually lasts a week and seems to last longer the older I'm getting.....
  • That is the truth! I'm using the old system alone, I refuse to pay that much for meetings and help when I know the gist of it all. About 3 years ago I tried it, started out great, I dropped 30lbs in 2 months. I was going to the gym daily and very strict with my points, always trying to go a point or two lower and not using…
  • Thanks a lot ladies. I have never even heard of those other products before. Didi I think I'm in the same boat as you were in, thanks for all the information! Have you spoken to your doctor about the "stevia in the raw"? Looks like I have some research to do....
  • Thanks for the welcome ladies!!!