Thanks everyone. Now I'm looking for my next 5k. Cheers, bt
Growing up the eldest and only male child of 5, I was constantly nagged about the toilet seat. My response was "You're a big girl, learn to work the seat." (Note: response said to my sisters only. To Mom, it was Yes Ma'am, then I'd conveniently forget.) After 4 grandsons and 2 great grandsons, Mon's given up. :laugh:
Wow. Back in the day, I saw Sabbath, Zepplin (who opened for Iron Butterfly), Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead, more than I can remember. Now, I'm waiting for Rush to hit the left coast. And that's about it anymore. :embarassed:
I used to be an Electrical Engineer in satellite communications. Now I'm an adult babysitter. (got promoted to management)
I don't care if it's pre-season or not. I don't even care if it's for one of my favorite teams or one that I don't like (I can root for the other team). Free football tickets? Hell Yea!
I don't know if he did or didn't. Heard an opinion on the radio this morning from a cyclist that Lance just got tired of the ongoing fight and said enough. It was opined that someone from the doping assn may have an axe to grind.
My current ride is a 07 Honda Shadow Aero. My favorite ride is a tie between a Triumph Bonneville 650 (British shift) and a Harley FXRS (my first "brand new" bike). Cheers, bt
I started smoking in 1972, I had to be one of the "cool" kids. I finally quit for good in 1996. I tried the gum, patches, counseling, etc, nothing worked for me. I finally got tired of wheezing when I went upstairs at home, and quit cold turkey. It was hard, my sister told me I got pretty cranky during the first 3-4 weeks…
Santa Paula here. On the northern border of SoCal.