Laika3 Member


  • I also need friends :) //
  • So informative and easy to understand, thanks. Jump bookmarking here for reference :flowerforyou:
  • Hey shredders, Today im on Level1 Day3, I have attempted the shred before and got to level 2 day 3or4 but then packed it in. I'm determined to finish it this time, my quads are burning like hell and if I sit for too long they seize up lol. Think i'll take a pic tonight to see if there are any noticeable difference at the…
    in 30 DAY SHRED Comment by Laika3 June 2011
  • I wear a HRM while doing it so know exactly how much i'm burning, it's usually around 230-250 mark so I just log it as 200 just to be on the safe side. If you don't have a HRM logging it as circuit training is prob best :)
  • :laugh: sorry for laughing but that's too funny! Hope he sees a loss now that it's corrected :smile:
  • Hey, ah thanks! I'm up in Belfast :) Had a bit of a bad weekend with food but shall start afresh tomorrow with it being Monday an all! lol x
  • Hey! Any room for another Team Ireland member? :flowerforyou: I have 10lb I want to lose before my wedding in Dec, would like to lose it slowly so for May i'd be happy with 2/3lb loss. I've started drinking lots more water and plan to have a proper breakfast EVERY morning. Feel free to add as friend :happy:
  • I'm 26 and my max HR is 211! When I do spinning or body attack, I usually average around 176 for the class ...
  • Great info as always Banks - Thanks!
  • You're welcome - it really helped me get my head around things. :happy: There's lots more links that are pinned to the top of this "General diet and Weight Loss Help" section that are really interesting and useful too x
  • Well, your BMR is what your body needs just to function i.e. heart pumping, lungs working, this is assuming that you're doing no other physical activity, like lying in bed all day - so yeah you should be eating more than 1491 but less that your maintenance, you'll still lose this way, probably more slowly but definately…
  • MFP originally gave me 1200 per day ... but this is not enough for me considering my BMR is at 1350 (which you should always be above). Therefore I re-set my goals to lose 0.5lbs per week which then gave me a total of 1450 (much better). I also wanted to follow the 30 carbs/30 fat/40 protein rule so for me thats carbs -…
  • Hey! Yes you should eat your exercise calories. MPF already works out a deficit for you to lose, if you don't eat back your exercise calories then your deficit is too high and you will not lose weight in the long term. See here for more reading…
  • Hi - hope you don't mind me joining :flowerforyou: Just bumping for later - will post properly then :happy:
  • Thanks for the link, i've adjusted my goals to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat. It's actually really important to eat those exercise cals - MFP already works out a deficit for you with regards to the amount of cals you should have each day, if you exercise on top of this then you're increasing the deficit and thats not…
  • Can't wait to try this later - thanks :happy:
  • Bump :flowerforyou:
  • Hey all i'm on day 10 today, so I tried Level 2 last night (instead of level 1) and it was tough but not hurting today so i'm going to stick at this level until day 20 x Happy shredding
  • Hey guys, Hope you don't mind if I join this thread? :glasses: Ok so I actually started over a week ago - did 7 consecutive days on Level 1. Days 1-4 hurt like hell and then all of a sudden level 1 was easy, I was actually looking forward to it. I was away most of the weekend there at a wedding so had a 3 day break, did…
  • Hi guys! 700cals burnt last night doing spinning and the 30 day shred! Fitted the shred in this morning before and hope to get to the gym later, so should be well over 2000cals off this week :happy: Happy exercising everyone and have a great weekend! x
  • Hey everyone! I've been really bad at updating MFP. I promise to keep it up to date from here on in! As far as exercise goes i'm doing good, love spinning to get the calories off. I managed 3000 kcals last week! :happy: I've burnt 500cal this morning at the gym and I hope to start the 30 day shred soon when it gets…
  • Hi Guys, Have been off the wagon a tiny bit over Easter :embarassed: Still managed to burn 1500cals at the gym though which I suppose is better than nothing! Have a busy week and weekend ahead with lots of eating out and alcohol planned with the girlies so will try and get 2000 cals burnt for the next 3 days and try to…
  • 680cals burned off yesterday at the gym - short 15 min run on treadmill then a 45min RPM class! Gym tonight as well, hope to burn off around 700cals again :) Good luck everyone x
  • Wow well done :)
  • 3000cals burnt this week, hopefully next week is as good! Jennifer I'm so sorry for your loss (((hugs))) xx
  • Hi Ladies! After my sickness Mon and Tues I went to a spin class last night and then went on the cross trainer for a while burning a total of 700cals (very pleased!). Plan to do the same tonight :smile: Happy exercising x
  • Smiles i'm the same - sick! :ohwell: Woke up on Sunday with a stuffy/runny nose and a sore throat so decided to give the gym a miss last night and think i'll do the same tonight (don't want to make myself worse), hopefully I can catch up the rest of the week. If I burn 2000cal this week i'll be happy x
  • Thanks noodle, i'll check it out x