

  • YAY for you! Awesome job!
  • Yes you just add what you want to it...I use carrots, green pepper and jalapenos...oh and onions. Just dice them all up small or shred(whatever suits you)...add them in and bake like you normally would. I absolutely love veggies in my meatloaf. You can also use ground turkey to reduce the fat. I usually use half ground…
  • I'm 5'2" ish and plan on loosing at least 50, but hopefully more like 75. I've only just begun and have lost 7 lbs so far. I could use more friends on here for support and for just plain ol friendship so if anyone is interested add me PLEASE! Best of luck you you all!!! WE CAN DO IT!
  • I'm from Kansas as well... well not FROM Kansas, but that's where I live,lol. Central Kansas- you?
    in New Comment by hittlebit June 2011
  • What a wonderful message to read first thing in the a.m.-thank you! This will set the tone for my day :) Have a wonderful day yourself and don't forget...YOU are amazing as well!
  • I attempted to take a day off today as well, BUT I'm new enough at this that I decided I can't afford to take a day off at this time and wound up talking my self into walking for an hour...in the heat! Enjoy the time to let your bod rest-I'll be glad when I get to a point where I feel like I can have a day of rest.