BGabbart Member


  • Age 48 Height 5.0 SW 297 CW 223 GW 125 I have been here since June 3rd and I know God will see me through.
  • feel free to add me to your list of growing friends. I also do not have male friends on here because I feel that my husband and God are the only two males who should know everything about me.
  • Well really it is 140 calories for can coke x 365 days in a year = 51,110 calories divided by 3500 (which is how many calories equal a pound) and it would be 14.6 a year. :sad: :drinker: I say if you count on having a coke and have the calories for it go for it. :wink: :smile:
  • I started out walking and I still walk but I love to just turn on the music and dance, a 30 minute movement will pass in no time at all. The dr told me to move at least 30 minutes 3 times a week. I don't follow dvd's or anything I just move my arms and my legs and move with the music. I have cut my calorie's to about 1500…
  • I would just go in an say hey this is what has went down. I really appreciate the job and have enjoyed everything but due to circumstances beyond my control I need to let you know now. Really the worse thing she can do is fire you and well you are turning in your notice so biggie. Life changes and we don't know in advance…
  • Married 28 years, and two kids. and my husband is not a communicator, but i have had to let that go, you don't always have to talk things to death. Remember when you fight when you make up it's over quit bringing it up. Don't throw past mistakes in someone's face. I like the post where someone said pray together. LOVE LOVE…
  • I am in the same boat and don't have the energy to work out. I am going to rest.
  • and what is wrong with living in OKLAHOMA????????
  • McDonald's oatmeal. Dont eat at McDonalds very often but love the oatmeal.
  • Challenge start weight: 245 Challenge goal weight: 195 Nov 1st weight: 245 Nov 8th: 245 Nov 15th: 238 Nov 22nd: 235 Nov 29th: 230 Total lost in Nov: 15 Dec 6th: Dec 13th: 227 Dec 20th: Dec 27th: Total lost in Dec: 3 Total lost so far: 18 Jan 3rd: 225 Jan 10th: Jan 17th: Jan 24th: Jan 31st: Total lost in Jan: Total lost so…
  • Challenge start weight: 245 Challenge goal weight: 195 Nov 1st weight: 245 Nov 8th: 245 Nov 15th: 238 Nov 22nd: 235 Nov 29th: 230 Total lost in Nov: 15 Dec 6th: Dec 13th: 227 Dec 20th: Dec 27th: Total lost in Dec: Total lost so far: Jan 3rd: Jan 10th: Jan 17th: Jan 24th: Jan 31st: Total lost in Jan: Total lost so far: Feb…
  • Challenge start weight: 245 Challenge goal weight: 195 Nov 1st weight: 245 Nov 8th: 245 Nov 15th: 238 Nov 22nd: 235 Nov 29th: 230 Total lost in Nov: 15 Dec 6th: 227 Dec 13th: Dec 20th: Dec 27th: Total lost in Dec: Total lost so far: Jan 3rd: Jan 10th: Jan 17th: Jan 24th: Jan 31st: Total lost in Jan: Total lost so far: Feb…
  • calories are calories but some make you feel better and you have a lot more energy.
  • Challenge start weight: 245 Challenge goal weight: 195 Nov 1st weight: 245 Nov 8th: 245 Nov 15th: 238 Nov 22nd: 235 Nov 29th: 230 Total lost in Nov: 15 Dec 6th: Dec 13th: Dec 20th: Dec 27th: Total lost in Dec: Total lost so far: Jan 3rd: Jan 10th: Jan 17th: Jan 24th: Jan 31st: Total lost in Jan: Total lost so far: Feb 7th:…
  • sorry I keep forgetting to post my weight SW (23/09/11) 261 Week 1 (30/09/11) 254 Week 2 (10/10/11) 254 Week 3 (14/10/11) Week 4 (21/10/11) Week 5 (28/10/11) 245 Week 6 (04/11/11) Week 7 (11/11/11) Week 8 (18/11/11) Week 9 (25/11/11) Week 10 (2/12/11) 235 Week 11 (9/12/11) Week 12 (16/12/11) End Weight (23/12/11) 26 lbs…
  • Sorry that should be 22 inches
  • Look in the exercise tab and you can find a list they have general cleaning light or heavy cleaning put inhow many minutes and it will tell you how much you burned :-)
  • it makes sense, after I had my hysterectomy my dr told me I didn't need hormones yet since I was so overweight, that I had plenty stored. I still have a long way to go so I still don't feel as if I need any replacements yet.
  • If you don't like being around them than yes stop hanging out. But you can make healthy choices when eating out with them even if they don't. I do it all the time. As far as them not walking with you or working out well apparently they don't want to lose it as bad as you so you may need to find another friend to do this…
  • OMG crazy, I love the pic and I love to laugh.
  • Love this, made me laugh
  • Challenge start weight: 245 Challenge goal weight: 195 Nov 1st weight: 245 Nov 8th: 245 Nov 15th: 238 Nov 22nd: 235 Nov 29th: Total lost in Nov: Dec 6th: Dec 13th: Dec 20th: Dec 27th: Total lost in Dec: Total lost so far: Jan 3rd: Jan 10th: Jan 17th: Jan 24th: Jan 31st: Total lost in Jan: Total lost so far: Feb 7th: Feb…
  • Thanks I have always worn my pants at my waist which is my belly button. The pants fit great every where I just have the muffin top to deal with. I love the feel from waist down no bag no sag. They are not pinching my waist or anything they are the right length for my short legs since I got petite it is just the stupid top…
  • That is the regular muffins, not mini not huge just regular, you can find them already in the food diary just type in Pumpkin Muffins and you do not have to add eggs or anything else.
  • You are doing good realizing what you need. Keep going strong and you will accomplish your goal.
  • thank you for posting this.
  • I didn't but now I do and believe me when the scales stop you will need the motivation. I can not believe how many inches I have lost right along with the weight.
  • Challenge start weight: 245 Challenge goal weight: 195 Nov 1st weight: 245 Nov 8th: 245 Nov 15th: 238 Nov 22nd: Nov 29th: Total lost in Nov: Dec 6th: Dec 13th: Dec 20th: Dec 27th: Total lost in Dec: Total lost so far: Jan 3rd: Jan 10th: Jan 17th: Jan 24th: Jan 31st: Total lost in Jan: Total lost so far: Feb 7th: Feb 14th:…
  • please check with your dr.