What is your mountain, my daily devotion
Conquering the Wilderness Mentality The Israelites wandered around in the wilderness for forty years to make what was actually an eleven-day journey. Why? Once, as I pondered this situation, the Lord said to me, "The Israelites couldn't move on because they had a wilderness mentality." The Israelites had no positive vision…
Joyce Meyer daily devotion
God Is the Only Lasting Source As human beings we are created by God to be happy and to feel good about ourselves. As a matter of fact, we must feel good about ourselves, or eventually we will develop some sort of unhealthy, uncontrolled behavior to get the good feelings we crave. Think about it. A person who is addicted…
Get tired of seeing people complain
I am so tired of seeing people complain about what other people log. It is no skin off your nose what they do. They are the ones it will hurt in the long run not you.
have any of you ever went on www.healthstatus.com ? you can key in your weight and they have a list of activities and you put in how many minutes you do it and it will tell you your calories burned. Anyhow, i put in sitting/resting for 120 minutes and I put in driving 120 minutes cause I drive an hour each way to work,…
180 days later
Today was my 180 day (6 months) I can't believe it. I have so much to do but I really need to celebrate what I have done. I am down 61.6 pounds and 33 inches. Wooooo hoooooo. Okay now on ward to my goal. Thanks MFP for your support.
clothes NSV
ay I finally caved and bought me some pants, (couldn't go to family reunion tomorrow looking baggy). I was up to having to buy 26/28 and I got some without elastic size 22/24. I had tried on some black jeans size 20 that fit the other day but I wanted something nicer for tomorrow. Anyway my problem is my waist is smaller…
fit2fat2fit again
this is a gotta read. http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/why-a-personal-trainer-is-making-himself-obese-on-purpose-2583990/
How did I do it?
I have lost 45.3 pounds and have LOTS more to go, but last night I was helping my son put his stuff in his truck so he could go home. We have dog sat his 2 year old pitt bull all last week and he was taking him home also, My husband had bought some dog food a 44lb bag so I thought hey I will take this out for him. NOT of…
I just updated the picture on my tickler, it is a picture of the Mountain behind my house. I took this picture last fall and with fall just around the corner Ithought it would be nice. I hope everyone has a blessed day.
Wiggle while you work.
I loved this articule. I have realized that I am constantly bounching my legs, now that I have so much energy and I work all day sitting down. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4468682
I can't do push ups but.................
I have a question. I have been doing push-ups (well push off's) since I stand and do the push ups off the wall. I feel the differance in my arms and shoulders so I know I am doing them right, but would that count as the same burn as push ups and is that strenght or cardio?