

  • Def adding this to my to make list! Thanks!
  • Sounds aweome! Cant wait to make these thanks! :drinker:
  • When Im out an about I always get Subway sandwiches or egg muffin sandwiches or Salads which are yummy healthy and filling. I also go to Wendy's and get their half salads there... the BLT one is delish and so is their Mexican style one. Also you should try Taco Bells Al Fresco menu! Lo cal and quick! Carls Jr also has a…
  • Wall Crunches- Lie on your back, place your feet on the wall bend knees and hips at 90-degree angles. Tighten your abdominal muscles while raising your head and shoulders off the floor. Hold for three deep breaths. Relax your neck and shoulder to avoid strain. Down to the start position and repeat.