

  • That's awsome I have noticed the same thing. Losing weight has helped my blood pressure so much too. Good job keep up the good work!!!!
  • Congratulations you are on your way I know all about baby steps ive dieted off and on for years my peak weight was 250 im down to 163 wit another 18 lbs to go. Hang in there you can do it the little goals help the end result will come in time but its the little goals that will feel so good as it happens. Good job on the…
  • I agree I hid then but know where they are out of sight out of mind im hoping. I hate that my mother in law buys all this crap food. She buys it for my kids but they dont need all of it. She brings home donuts cookies mm's chips fast food all crap. Before she came to stay with us I had the kids eating much healthier with…