corgifan Member


  • Whew! FINALLY updated all the info I've gotten. Sorry for getting so behind! I've had a couple off weeks, but managed to survive Turkey day (and three Thanksgiving dinners!) with a cold and no running AND post a loss! Back at 193. Not going to meet my goal for this challenge, BUT I'm happy that my "bad" weeks now have a…
  • Going to be weighing in tomorrow morning because I drank my coffee without thinking. A bit nervous- I had a somewhat indulgent week and not as much exercise as normal. Learning to balance my fitness routine and a relationship is harder than I thought!
  • Ok, *finally* updated the spreadsheet. Sorry it took so long! Kinda one of those weeks when you fall behind and just can't seem to catch up. Anyway, it looks as if a lot of us are having trouble getting out weigh-ins in. If we could try to be extra good about that it would be great. Lots of holes in the spreadsheet makes…
  • Sorry for being MIA! I had an out of town interview and forgot to mention I'd be gone. I'll have the updates up tomorrow. 7 hours of driving today and I need a nap!
  • Spreadsheet is current as of 7 AM this morning. Please post your weigh-ins if you haven't already! I somehow managed to have a stellar week with a trip to visit friends that included no working out and some indulgent meals. End result was that I was down 2.8 pounds. Not sure how, but I'll take it! Proof that sensible…
  • Spreadsheet is up. Please send me your weigh-in if you haven't so I can take you out of the inactive column. Sandbug- did I miss your weigh-in for last week? I have an empty box...let me know if I spaced. Kel_be- I know you wanted to change your goal. I can't find the number. Can you msg it to me. Thanks ladies!
  • It takes a lot of courage to commit to WLS. My own parents both had gastric bybass with a duodenal switch. Frankly, while I'm happy they're thinner and healthier, it helped me see I needed to get my act together. It was *not* an easy fix for them, but rather a decision that involved a lot of physical and emotional pain as…
  • I'm down 1.4 this week to 196.6. Not much into new territory, but the gain from the past couple weeks is gone.
  • I'll officially weigh in tomorrow, but I'm excited because I know I'll be posting a loss despite the birthday celebrations of cake, beer, and munchies! Housekeeping item: I'll be updating the spreadsheet tomorrow evening/Tuesday. I'll let you all know when it's been refreshed. :)
  • Spreadsheet is current as of 7 PM this evening. The pounds lost as a group is incorrect, but that's because I haven't shifted people out who haven't given weights for this week, as weights tend to roll in a bit later into the week. I REALLY need to post a loss this week! Steep order given my 25th birthday celebrations! EEK!
  • Booooo, no change for me. I guess I should be happy. I had several beers this week (not normal), was terrible at tracking, and was recovering from my half marathon (I ran twice and only short distances). Good news is I've decided when I'll start training for my next half (and using a more advanced training plan!), so I've…
  • Sorry it took so long, but the spreadsheet is updated now! We're up to 122 pounds lost- congratulations everyone! Quick heads up- next week puts us halfway through this challenge! Make it a good week! Also, I think I got all the goal updates in, but if you sent me one, please double check to make sure. I had some issues…
  • Yea, I'll get to the spreadsheet tonight. I had a job interview to prep for and my evenings were filled with some other stuff, so I haven't had a chance yet. Sorry about the delay!
  • I may skip this weigh-in (or use tomorrow's weight). I'm up and not happy about it, but I want to differentiate between my body retaining water after yesterday's half and eating from the past week. Either way, I'm going to take it in stride. I'm done training for a half marathon for awhile and going to be focusing on some…
  • Spreadsheet is updated! We're up to 108 pounds lost as a group! Congrats to everyone weighing in! I know this week was a bit harder for some, but sticking with it each week truly does make a difference. So proud of everyone in this group! Keep having a great week! (Me, I'll be doing everything I can to go to the fair…
  • I just signed up (well, will be soon, but I'm committed to the event by publicly declaring it on Facebook with friends) for my first OBSTACLE 5K! It's next year, but should be a blast. It's one of the "Run For Your Lives" Zombie runs. Basically they put you in an area with trails and you run, trying to avoid the "zombies"…
  • Spreadsheet should be updated by about 9 PM tonight. :) Super busy yesterday - working and then found out I have a job interview next week and had to prep stuff to send in to them. Good busy though. :) I lost a pound. Personally I think the scale is lying to be my friend, but whatever, I'll take it. Running and food were…
  • Another option is making a smoothie with greek yogurt. 6 ounces of fat free has 18 grams of protein. I prefer the flavor over protein powder, so I tend to mix it with some banana and some peanut butter and cocoa powder. Not sure how it compares calorie wise to low-cal protein powders, but it's packs a pretty hefty protein…
  • The problem with that argument is that health care costs and overall worker productivity take a huge hit when obesity is factored in. It's definitely a complicated problem that needs innovative solutions, ones that I think will probably need to come from everyone - government, business, and most importantly, individuals…
  • The only thing on Australia's side is that there are fewer of them, so the percentages are thrown off by much smaller increases in the number of obese persons. Granted percentages are a way to take population size into account, but us Americans still have the unfortunate distinction of just so *many* obese people. :(
  • Sad. :( I agree with many of the comments above- some of those taxes may work, but until there is a comprehensive system that makes eating a carrot financially more attractive than eating a donut, change won't happen. I do know; however, that I won't be one of those Americans by then. I'm on a roll and only 12 pounds away…
  • Ok, spreadsheet has been updated for all the weights I received this week. If you haven't gotten your weight in, just send it my way and I'll move you back up into the top of the sheet. As for progress, if you're at between about 25-35% of your goal you're on track to meet your December weight right about the time this…
  • Hi all! I'm a bit busier than I expected to be this early in the week, so the excel sheet hasn't been updated. I'll get to it tonight- promise! Hope everyone is off to a GREAT week!
  • Another Southern Central Valley person here! Went to college in NorCal (UC Davis) and miss it terribly. Really wish I could find a job up that way- till then I'm (unfortunately) residing with my parents in my hometown.
  • Not the greatest of weeks for me. I got sidelined by that cold and found myself eating terribly (I had no sense of smell/taste and found myself gravitating towards salty foods for some reason). Working out was nearly nonexistent too. That said, I managed a 0.5 pound loss. I might adjust tomorrow as the effects of any…
  • Yep! I'll adjust it when I enter in the weights later this evening. :)
  • Hi ladies! WOW! GREAT week! Almost everyone either lost or maintained AND anyone who didn't only had tiny, itty, bitty, nothing to worry about gains. Great work everybody on keeping up with your goals! Collectively, we've now lost over 90 pounds! Give yourselves a bit pat on the back for that one. Something to keep in…
  • Looks like a lot of great work this week! I somehow managed a loss this week. With putting down the dog I definitely did some emotional eating (and several beers/glasses of wine over the weekend I don't normally consume). Not sure how, but I was down to 199.5, so a loss of 2.5 from two weeks ago. I tend to think it's more…
  • Definitely sounds like water weight to me. I wouldn't sweat it. :)
  • I'd originally set this as a Christmas Challenge- 20 weeks to end on Dec 26th (I know, cruel to end a challenge the day after a major holiday! Talk about asking everyone to be accountable on a holiday!). I was thinking about starting a separate challenge after that for anyone who wanted to keep encouraging each other. I…