Healthy Holidays! (Christmas Group #2)- Closed Group



  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm a bit busier than I expected to be this early in the week, so the excel sheet hasn't been updated. I'll get to it tonight- promise!

    Hope everyone is off to a GREAT week!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Just over 2000 calories burned in 2 days! If I hit my Halloween goal I'll have to change my December goal, I really want to lose 30 more pounds by the end of the year.
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Ok, spreadsheet has been updated for all the weights I received this week. If you haven't gotten your weight in, just send it my way and I'll move you back up into the top of the sheet.

    As for progress, if you're at between about 25-35% of your goal you're on track to meet your December weight right about the time this challenge finishes. (You need to be improving about 5.25% per week to meet your goal you set in Week 1).

    Grand total lost: 98 pounds! SO CLOSE to 100 ladies!

    Let's make this another great week and get into triple digits (or get me some fabulous numbers from those that haven't weighed in yet!)
  • thanx 4 the update n keeping us up 2 date with the spreadsheet, it makes me feel better about what im doing seeing it in black and white.x :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Af is knocking at my door and per a weight in for another group I've gained 0.5 lbs which really isn't bad, I normally gain 1-2 before my period. So I'm not expecting anything huge Sunday morning but maybe next weigh in.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Today is cycle day 1 so I'm probably going to skip the weigh in tomorrow. Today I was 179.8.
  • lost .6lb this week, had a bad few days emotional eating, but from now on other ppl p*ssing me off will b no excuse 2 eat crap! now weigh 127.6. :bigsmile:
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I've got a 2.6 loss this week!!!!!!! Weighed in at 244.8!! :)
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Last week I was all excited (and shocked) when I lost 1/2 pound after eating so horribly on vacation...well, it caught up to me. This week I'm up two pounds, and it's not even TOM! I've been under calories all week and exercised every day -- sometimes twice a day -- so the only thing I can think is that the crappy eating from last week just caught up to the scale this week. I guess I didn't dodge a bullet after all.

    So, sadly.... ********** Weigh in for this week: 217 **********

  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Still at 171. :o)
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Today is cycle day 1 so I'm probably going to skip the weigh in tomorrow. Today I was 179.8.
    I stepped on the scale, 179 even.
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    Weighing in at 134.2 today. :)
  • My weight for today is 180.4 pounds :)
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Dropped from 347.8 to 342.5 --- loss of 5.3 lbs.
  • My weight is back down. 205.2 (:
  • Babushka_Dolly
    Babushka_Dolly Posts: 113 Member
    I need some serious moral support. I haven't weighed myself today... I told myself I was just too busy and didn't have the time... but i know that I am just to scared to look at the scale. So far I have lost 16lb but I just still feel so miserable, fat and disgusting. I have just looked at some pictures I took since I have lost the weight and they made me feel like i may as well have not even bothered loosing weight because I am just so horrible and ugly... I don't see how i can ever not hate the way I look. When i look in the mirror and look at pictures, I dont even feel like I am looking at myself, just some disgusting blob! I wish I looked like who I think I am on the inside! The last two weeks my weight loss has been pretty slow and I just cant bring myself to look at the scale because if I feel this crappy now, how am i going to feel if I weigh myself and see a number I don't want to?
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    We've all felt like that before. Don't be so hard on yourself're working to change things! Look at it this way, if you let the scale get you down and you give up now, 6 months from now you're going to feel exactly the same way that you're feeling right now. If you keep going, 6 months from now you'll be a whole new person! You can do it, just don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Spreadsheet should be updated by about 9 PM tonight. :) Super busy yesterday - working and then found out I have a job interview next week and had to prep stuff to send in to them. Good busy though. :)

    I lost a pound. Personally I think the scale is lying to be my friend, but whatever, I'll take it. Running and food were WAY off AND it's TOM, so I'm not complaining. :)
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Ooops! Slow to report but my weight this week 156.0. Very slow loss! I really need to focus and get support.
    Ok, next week will be better. (I think I keep saying this! Ugh!)
  • Babushka_Dolly
    Babushka_Dolly Posts: 113 Member
    Ok so I weighed in, 142lb this week x