Healthy Holidays! (Christmas Group #2)- Closed Group



  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Weigh-in for this week: 215.8.

    Only down .8 this week, but I'll take any kind of loss over a gain....

    Hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    weigh-in this week: 346.4 (5.9 lb drop)
    which means I lost all the weight i gained the last two weeks PLUS 1.5 lbs. =D
  • Sandbug
    Sandbug Posts: 200 Member
    Weigh in today at 157.6. This is a gain for me this week! UGH! :frown: But I think it's been this weekend of events/food. Enough with the excuses. Congrats to those that have lost weight this week. For those that did not join me in this new week, of new opportunities and remain strong with me!:drinker:
  • Week 5 weigh-in: 205. I lost 2 pounds this week.(:

    I had been scared I would gain because even tho I stayed under my calorie goal, I ate really bad food. But I kept up with my exercises and I am also part of a September challenge and have taken part the last couple of days, so that helped me stay on track with my exercise and under my calories too. These groups help so much to make me accountable in my weight loss. I love this site!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Weigh in for the week is 174, thats a two pound loss. Yay me!!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    I'm going to weigh-in tomorrow. After yesterday's run I know I need a bit more time to flush water. Not sure how this week will go, but I'd say my race was a NSV, so I'll take it. :)
  • My weight for today is 186 lb. This is a loss of 1.6 from last week.

    Have a beautiful day everyone :))
  • Weight in...

    FML! Same - I don't get it! I have changed my workout routine, my trainer, my eating habits, I'm watching sodium, working out 4-5 days, etc... I get that this is a plateau and that I have been toning and have lost inches BUT F**K ME!!!!!!!! I'm ready to lose some lbs!

    The worst part is I was able to fit into a size 8 skirt this week and it LOOKS FANTASTIC! That hasn't happened in FOREVER! And I know that I don't walk down the street with a big "HERE IS MY WEIGHT" sign across my forehead, but I just want to be able to say that I weight less than I do!

    I now have to worry about a wedding Nov 4th - one of my boyfriends best friends who I have yet to meet because he lives in south florida... I want to look fantastic for this!

    On a happy note, I am now pushing 180 on the leg presses and using 15 lb dumbells!

    I need to stop being so negative... I'm sorry guys :(
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm at 177lbs. I blame that on vacay and TOM is around the corner.
  • weigh in 130.6, down 2 lbs, im so happy that im back 2 loosing again, kept thinking last week might have been a 1 off but no ive def blasted my plateau away :0) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    SW - 198
    CW - 188

    So mad at myself, I went away for the weekend and DH & I relaxed on our eating a bit and it showed, grr!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Dang it... I'm back up again - 250.2
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Unfortunately I stumbled this week and maintained. While I put in the miles for the half, I also took a few days off to rest up my muscles and ate a lot more carbs than normal. It's ok, I'm confident next week will be better! :)

    Plus, after the half I have an insane desire to keep improving my running and really push the pace! All I needed was a race to get that motivation fired up again!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Weight in...

    FML! Same - I don't get it! I have changed my workout routine, my trainer, my eating habits, I'm watching sodium, working out 4-5 days, etc... I get that this is a plateau and that I have been toning and have lost inches BUT F**K ME!!!!!!!! I'm ready to lose some lbs!

    The worst part is I was able to fit into a size 8 skirt this week and it LOOKS FANTASTIC! That hasn't happened in FOREVER! And I know that I don't walk down the street with a big "HERE IS MY WEIGHT" sign across my forehead, but I just want to be able to say that I weight less than I do!

    I now have to worry about a wedding Nov 4th - one of my boyfriends best friends who I have yet to meet because he lives in south florida... I want to look fantastic for this!

    On a happy note, I am now pushing 180 on the leg presses and using 15 lb dumbells!

    I need to stop being so negative... I'm sorry guys :(

    You may need to shock your metabolism a bit.
    Some people recommend adding 100-200 calories to your goal for a week or 2
    then dropping it back down. You could try that for a week & see if that helps.
  • Sorry for the late reply, I'm not inactive I just moved across the country! I'll weigh in this evening or tomorrow at the school gym, although I'm expecting a gain (fingers crossed though!)
  • Weight in...

    FML! Same - I don't get it! I have changed my workout routine, my trainer, my eating habits, I'm watching sodium, working out 4-5 days, etc... I get that this is a plateau and that I have been toning and have lost inches BUT F**K ME!!!!!!!! I'm ready to lose some lbs!

    The worst part is I was able to fit into a size 8 skirt this week and it LOOKS FANTASTIC! That hasn't happened in FOREVER! And I know that I don't walk down the street with a big "HERE IS MY WEIGHT" sign across my forehead, but I just want to be able to say that I weight less than I do!

    I now have to worry about a wedding Nov 4th - one of my boyfriends best friends who I have yet to meet because he lives in south florida... I want to look fantastic for this!

    On a happy note, I am now pushing 180 on the leg presses and using 15 lb dumbells!

    I need to stop being so negative... I'm sorry guys :(

    You may need to shock your metabolism a bit.
    Some people recommend adding 100-200 calories to your goal for a week or 2
    then dropping it back down. You could try that for a week & see if that helps.

    Thanks! I'll try that!!!
  • corgifan
    corgifan Posts: 155 Member
    Very excited to see this morning I was down a bit below last week's weigh in! I think my body is normalizing back out after the half. Now to make sure Thurs-Sun are 100% in terms of diet and exercise for a great weigh-in on Monday! Who knows...maybe if I'm lucky I can break past the 200 mark! (I vowed to never see that again 1.5 years ago...unfortunately I did, but this time is different. If I can handle losing weight with this job search stress, I can handle it anytime, anywhere!)

    Hope everyone got through "hump" day and is gearing up for a fantastic weekend!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I found out my static weight from the weekend was water weight, whoo hoo! Now I'm not so mad.
    Cardio day, 5k jog then Turbo Fire 55 and maybe Zumba after the little one goes to bed.

    Saksgirl1, I agree with trying to add a few more calories to your daily diet. Some how I lose more on the weeks with a large cheat meal. Go figure.
  • thereseofdoom
    thereseofdoom Posts: 66 Member
    Sorry for the late weigh in. Things were crazy over labor day weekend, it was my dads bday then a BBQ/labor day party the next day. I should have been more careful, but I overindulged. I'm ready to crack down and nail my weigh in for next week.

    So anyway, this week I was at 136.6. Boo. That's a gain for me.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    YAY, down 4 lbs so far this week, 2 lbs were water retention, and I'm back on track with 2-3 exercises a day.

    corgifan, I'm going to change my goal to 160 by December, or is the end date Christmas or the 31st?